Why God Doesn't Necessarily Want You 'Pursuing Your Dreams'


I can't remember the number of times I've heard motivational speakers, coaches, gurus and all sorts of leaders say that we should follow our dreams. While at some point, we all should pursue dreams and passions, just like anything there are thresholds that can be crossed and we can take this wonderful advice in a terribly twisted way.

Don't Follow Your Dreams At The Expense Of Others

When it comes to dreams, I am always reminded of the story of Joseph. Categorically, the life of the dreamer can be cut up into two - the times that he only listened to his own dreams and the times he started listening to the dreams of others. The first half, where it's all only about his dream, only brought problems and soon caused relational strife. The second half, where he starts listening to others, brought blessing and promotion.

People can sometimes make their whole life about their dreams, their success, their wealth and their journey, completely neglecting or even stepping on the dreams of others. God has a completely different definition of success. He views success as helping, loving and serving others before we serve ourselves.

Jesus said in Mark 10:44-45, "And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Just as Jesus came to serve others and not His own personal gain (although He deserved it fully being God Himself!), He calls us to do the same.

Don't Follow Your Dreams At The Expense Of God's

Sure we may have great ambitions and plans for ourselves, but are they aligned with God's? When we simply advocate our plans, dreams, ambitions and passions without even first taking the time to listen to what plans God has for us, we miss out. That's because God's plans are always bigger and better, and will always bless more people in the process.

Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand." There is nothing wrong with dreaming, but when we dream outside of the dreams and will of God we put God in a box and completely miss out on the best that He has in store for us.

By all means, we are to pursue our dreams, but before doing so let's stop to consider what our dreams are, whether they benefit others in the process, whether they honor God at the end, and ultimately, whether they are in line with God's will. The greatest call in life is to love God and love other people, and until our dreams fulfil that call, we're not dreaming big enough.