Wolverhampton children get to grips with angels

Children from schools in Wolverhampton took part in an innovative community project on Saturday centred on the theme of angels.

Around 800 pupils from Woodfield and Uplands Junior Schools took part in the Angel Adventure Day at St Philip’s Church in Bradmore on Saturday.

Teachers and volunteers led the children through a day of angel-themed art, craft and creative writing projects, including the ‘sing like an X Factor angel’.

Local MP Rob Marris was on hand to present awards to the children who came up with the best creative pieces.

Speaking ahead of Saturday’s event, the vicar of co-organising church Penn Fields, the Rev Jeremy Oakley said, “This has been such a fun way of bringing the community together.

"At a time when much of the news has not been so good, it will be brilliant to welcome everyone from our community to share some simple enjoyment.”