World Bank and IMF Encounters with WCC

Poverty eradication has been one of the top headlines over recent days following the concerns raised from world leaders, faith groups and aid agencies. The World Council of Churches (WCC) opens a panel discussion with the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 22nd October, to look into the topic.

Today WB President James D. Wolfensohn and IMF Deputy Managing Director Agustmn Carstens will join WCC General Secretary Samuel Kobia, and WCC President from Africa, Agnes Abuom for high-level encounter between the three organisations at WCC’s Ecumenical Centre in Geneva.

Cornelio Sommaruga, former President of the International Committee of the Red Cross will be the moderator. The issues to be discussed at the encounter are: poverty eradication, human rights and social justice, voice and vote of developing countries in WB and IMF, and ways to put the partnership among the three organisations to work.

The encounter aims to produce a statement on future common action, highlighting areas of common ground and areas of continued difference amongst the organisations. The statement will be presented after the encounter.