World Emergency Relief Turns Stolen Goods into Humanitarian Aid

Thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods seized by police in West Yorkshire has been turned into humanitarian aid to help fight poverty in developing countries.

More than £10,000 worth of goods recovered from criminal activities in the Huddersfield area was donated to World Emergency Relief by the Kirklees (Huddersfield) division of the West Yorkshire Police.

These goods were shipped out to projects supported by WER in Lebanon and Romania at the end of last month.

The items included pharmaceuticals, toiletries, household goods and food products - all stolen from various shops in the local area.

WPC Lisa Harley contacted WER to offer the goods for use in their development work abroad as an alternative to destroying them or sending them off to auction.

"It is wonderful that Lisa and the division thought of the needy overseas, whilst still carrying out their challenging duties here in the UK," says Alex Haxton, director of operations at WER.

"These goods will make a huge difference to the lives of people living in poverty and crisis in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, where something as simple as paracetamol to relieve a fever, or a bar of soap to wash with can be unobtainable for all sorts of reasons.

"Many of the projects we support help break the cycle of poverty and crime by ensuring children have access to education, skills training and health services. So through their thought and generosity the police at Kirklees division are helping prevent crime abroad as well as here, which I hope makes them feel good."

According to WPC Lisa Harley of West Yorkshire Police, the force doesn't like seeing goods go to waste. "To know that so many people will benefit is really exciting, especially from the pharmaceuticals which would normally be destroyed," says WPC Harley.

She said the donation and the partnership with WER would also enable West Yorkshire Police to meet the diversity targets set by its police authority.

"So it's a real win-win situation, and we'll certainly channel recovered goods through WER again," she said.