World Evangelical Alliance: Statement on Rev. Ted Haggard's Resignation

The leadership of the World Evangelical Alliance is saddened by the events of the past few days surrounding the resignation of Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals.

|PIC1|The World Evangelical Alliance, as an umbrella organisation uniting 127 national alliances worldwide similar to the NAE, has worked in concert with Rev. Haggard over many critical issues facing the Evangelical community.

We acknowledge and deeply appreciate the instrumental role Rev. Haggard has played in helping revitalise the important work of the NAE. We also support the NAE in accepting Rev. Haggard's resignation.

It is during these difficult moments that the core principles of our faith become crystal clear: we all fall short of God's goodness and are in need of forgiveness and redemption that comes through Jesus Christ.

The global Evangelical community is made up of 420 million people who are unified in seeking holiness, justice and renewal at every level of society - individual, family, community and culture.

"It is appropriate for us to allow the independent board of overseers of New Life Community Church to proceed with a thorough investigation into the allegations and to pray for Ted, his accuser, the Haggard family and their community of faith," urged Geoff Tunnicliffe, international director of the WEA.

"None of us, including those of us in leadership, are immune to sin and we must generously provide grace and forgiveness while also taking stock of our own lives and upholding the highest standards of morality and integrity as we stand before the world as representatives of the body of Christ."