World Vision Steps Up Aid Efforts to Pakistan Floods

In response to week-long torrential rains and heavy snow disasters in Pakistan, international agencies are stepping up aid efforts as the death toll exceeds 500 people. In fact, the extent of the disaster is widespread in various provinces across both Pakistan and Afghanistan. World Vision Pakistan has been focusing on the remote North West Frontier Province (NWFP) where 300 have been killed and another 17,000 left homeless.

Reported by World Vision in its latest release, Sigurd Hanson the Pakistan country director said, "The situation is dire. World Vision is there already doing rehabilitation. We will respond."

Heavy snows, rain and record cold weather have combined to cause floods, avalanches and deaths by hypothermia in many provinces. Currently World Vision Pakistan appeals for US$350,000 to buy 2,000 quilts, 400 tents, and food items for more than 1,000 households, for example rice, sugar, tea, cooking oil, lentils and wheat flour.

In Battegram, Manserra and Swat districts, World Vision is also carrying out earthquake rehabilitation programs.

World Vision Pakistan is known for its speediness in delivering relief resources to the affected areas.

"When media reported the crisis World Vision staff was immediately sent to the district capital of Manserra to survey and identify the most urgent needs. We anticipate implementing a timely response to this current emergency to selected communities in this area in collaboration with local NGOs, just as we did following last year’s devastating earthquake," Hanson said.

Last year, World Vision repaired more than 100 severely damaged schools and 25 medical facilities following an earthquake. It has also provided emergency first aid training to several hundred teachers in the disaster prone areas of NWFP.

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, at least 104 people have died. Many people are isolated because the roads have all been blocked by heavy snow. Some people have even been said to have lost their lives when their houses collapsed due to the weight of the snow.

In order to help the isolated villagers, World Vision has provided a medical relief flight to the mountainous central province of Ghor, where it is completely covered by snow. The plane brought four doctors and three other health technicians, along with essential medicines for area clinics such as antibiotics, cold medicines, and measles vaccines.