WWE 2015 news: CM Punk posts video of Hornswoggle fall at wedding

Hornswoggle[photo: Commons Wikimedia/KakkoiiTGN]

CM Punk's planned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) debut has been delayed, and there is no word yet on when the former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) champion will be back in training.

With that seemingly in the air, Punk has the time to spare. Apparently, he has been hanging out with some of his friends in the WWE, and one of them seems to be Hornswoggle who ironically has been suspended by the WWE for violation of the company's wellness policy.

Anyway, Punk was apparently present when Hornswoggle tied the knot with his girlfriend Liz over the weekend, but, unfortunately, there was an uncanny instance during the ceremonies.

Punk tweeted a video showing how Hornswoggle fell down a flight of stairs as he was set to join his wife. From the video, it seemed to be three to four flights down and, fortunately, he was able to get up. There is no word yet if Hornswoggle suffered injuries from that fall.

If there is one thing that Punk and Hornswoggle somehow share in common is that both have been hit with the celebrated wellness policy.

Recall that such was one of the reasons why Punk left, claiming that the WWE failed to look upon the health of their employees, resulting in him developing injuries that would not heal properly.

Hornswoggle's case is a bit lighter since it reportedly involved his failure to provide a urine sample within the allowed time period after a random visit to his home.

Hornswoggle has not been seen that much lately, although he could be given the call once the 30-day suspension meted by the WWE lapses.

As for Punk, the delay in training could move back his planned UFC debut, which was reportedly planned for UFC 200 that will reportedly take place at the 20,000-seat area at the Las Vegas Strip.