WWE 2015 rumors: Alberto Del Rio mend eyed to bolster locker room roster [VIDEO]

Alberto Del Rio[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Megan Elice Meadows]

The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) continues to find ways to get its ratings up, and it seems they can get some help if they finally get the right person to fill up the void in the Hispanic niche.

This is one part of the WWE that has not been making waves lately, although the Lucha Dragons, Sin Cara, and Kalisto have been around.

Gone are the days when the likes of Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio were around to draw in this genre, and seeing that their current batch of Latin stars are failing to do so may force the hand of the WWE to consider their former stars once again.

But the thing is, it may cost the WWE a lot if they will target Mysterio or Del Rio. Both are seemingly well off in the AAA and Lucha Underground, doing pretty good as far as exposure and earnings are concerned.

For those who are unaware, Del Rio got the boot back in 2014 after he got into an altercation with a WWE personnel. Del Rio took exception to racist remarks hurled at him, but the WWE employee refused to apologize. An interview on the whole incident as narrated by Del Rio can be found below.

Despite that incident, Del Rio and the WWE are reportedly in good terms. The employee who made the racist remarks is allegedly no longer around, so a possible return for Del Rio could happen.

But the question now is when and at what price?

Rumors bare that the WWE had earlier tried to bring back Carlito into the fold. Unfortunately, the plan failed to prosper when both sides failed to come to terms.

A return by Del Rio could be good for the WWE, seeing that the 38-year-old star has already proven himself before. He is a former WWE champion and that alone could help the company's woes as far as the ratings game is concerned.