WWE 2015 rumors: Brock Lesnar and WWE at odds? report

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Just last week, we did report that Brock Lesnar is most likely staying in the WWE if everything falls into place. However a new development may spur all that.

It seems that there is something brewing between the WWE and the Beast Incarnate and it has something to do with the business side. In the last edition of WWE Raw, reports say that Lesnar was indeed backstage.

However, it was quite puzzling not to find the reigning WWE champ when Heyman went out to meet Roman Reigns. Apparently this segment was something to promote the upcoming WWE main event at Wrestlemania but curiously, Lesnar was nowhere around the ring.

Adding fuel to the speculations that there is indeed a problem between the company and Lesnar is that the champion reportedly walked out even before the taping came to a close.

A lot of questions are up in the air but nothing greater perhaps than to see if Lesnar will stay on with the WWE or go back to the UFC. It will be recalled that Lesnar could be better off staying in the WWE given his concussion problems and the fact that he appears only at select moments in the WWE.

But all that may change soon if the issues are not resolved. With Wrestlemania drawing near, it will be interesting to see on what the fate of Lesnar would be. Will he still be champion or will it be another farewell match similar to what happened back in Wrestlemania 20 where Lesnar lost to Goldberg and left.

Despite being a superstar who is reportedly easy to work with, some speculate such to be connected with financial issues. Could the WWE have offered him a contract which he doesn't like already or does he want something that the company is unwilling to give? Stay tuned!