WWE Total Divas 2015 premiere time tonight: Show returns with newcomers Alicia Fox and Paige

Alicia FoxWikimedia Commons

WWE Total Divas will make its return this January 4, 2015 as it premieres on E! starting at 10:00 p.m. EST. Newcomers to the show are Alicia Fox and Paige, both expected to add more flavor to the show.

Of the two, a lot of expectations are on Fox. Known as Victoria Crawford in real life, Fox is considered a key addition being a veteran in the WWE scene. Fox began her career in the WWE in 2006 where she starred alongside other divas Natalya and the Bella Twins, Brie and Bella.

Fox is also credited for being part of the Eddie and Vicki Guerrero storyline where she was the wedding planner. Since then, she has slowly fit herself as one of the WWE's full-time Divas.

"Everyone comes in differently, but going into the training and developmental was such a great learning experience for me," Fox said, according to Miami Herald. "I would never trade that time and the things I learned, in and out of the ring, for anything."

Paige, another Diva who has become one of the more popular figures in the WWE these days will be making her debut as well on the reality show. Paige, who joined the WWE in her late teens, holds a close friendship with Fox.

"We have a lot of respect for each other in and out of the ring," Fox said. "We work really well together. I really enjoy being around her. It's strange. Some people you're like, 'Yep, you're my sister.' We just click."

With her inclusion, Fox adds another feather to her cap. The former model and now sports entertainer has been in and out of the WWE scene but her debut is seen something more of as mentoring pitch to guide the new faces that the WWE has today.

And she knows for a fact how WWE Total Divas has changed and how the show does have an impact on potential WWE storylines.