'X-Men: Apocalypse' spoilers: Director Bryan Singer talks Wolverine's role in film

X-Men: Apocalypse20th Century Fox

A previous report discussed the potential inclusion of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) now that the trailers have revealed he will have a scene in the upcoming "X-Men: Apocalypse." However, director Bryan Singer has spoken to Empire and has teased that the Wolverine's scene extends far beyond what audiences may be expecting.

The common rumor is that the Wolverine will only be in the film very quickly and that it will only be a short cameo. It is speculated that the Wolverine will be kept in the same prison where some of the X-Men will be once Stryker (Josh Helman) invades their home and captures them. From this point Wolverine will break out from the Weapon X program, helping the others escape as well. 

"Make of that what you want," the director stated in regards to the teaser scene. "I will say, it's not simple. There's something more pivotal that occurs with that. It hints to a sequence that again fits within the canon of all six movies, and the birth of a new direction. It's not insignificant, nor is it simply just a throw-in."

He also confirms that the clip shown in the trailers will not be the only scene of Wolverine. However, he did not confirm that it is indeed Hugh Jackman in the role, teasing that this may be the first film with someone else cast in the famous mutant role. 

The statement that this is the birth of a new direction also indicates that the scene may connect to the future of the character. This may mean Wolverine becomes a member of the X-Men team sooner than previously depicted in "X-Men" and "X2," with a new actor in the role, or that someone like X-23 will be taking his place in future films. 

"X-Men: Apocalypse" will open in theaters this May 27.