'X-Men,' 'Deadpool,' 'Gambit' movie news: Crossover confirmed

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool20th Century Fox

In an interview with MTV, Fox executive producer Simon Kinberg confirmed that the studios are planning to crossover the stories and characters across their "X-Men," "Deadpool" and "Gambit" properties. 

Kinberg explained that the events in "X-Men: Days of Future Past" essentially wiped clean the film franchise's history from 1973 onwards. Everything from 1973 onwards will now be considered as "true canon." 

"So the 'Gambit' movie, the 'Deadpool' movie, will exist in a world that acknowledges whatever happened in 'Days of Future Past' and moving forward," Kinberg explained. "Doesn't mean they'll always interact with those characters, obviously, it's not like every movie has all the characters, but they all have to exist within the same rules." 

While his comments point out that all the characters will not essentially be seen together in one film like "The Avengers," it is possible that events in one film will affect events in another. Characters from "Deadpool" may later appear in "Gambit" or an "X-Men" movie and vice versa. 

This is already apparent within the "Deadpool" movie since it has the "X-Men" veteran Colossus in it, although he is portrayed by a different actor from the one in previous "X-Men" films. Daniel Cudmore portrayed Colossus in the "X-Men" films, while the character is being portrayed by Andre Tricoteux in "Deadpool." 

Kinberg also explained that he does have a sort of chart that helps him keep track of where each character is during a specific film as well as specific timelines in order to keep all these films consistent even when they are interplaying with each other. 

"I don't have it up on a wall, but I have it on my computer, and I have it sort of tattooed on my brain now, too," Kinberg stated. 

"Deadpool" opens in theaters on Feb. 12, 2016, with "X-Men: Apocalypse" following on May 27. "Gambit" will be the last film next year as it opens Oct. 7, 2016. A third and final "Wolverine" film starring Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart will be released in 2017.