Zimbabwe Church leaders decry attempted abduction of opposition members

(Photo: Reuters)

Members of the Zimbabwean opposition narrowly escaped an abduction attempt during a political discussion panel, Church leaders in the country have said.

A statement posted to the Zimbabwe Council of Churches Facebook page described several gunmen entering into the meeting in Harare on July 31 and attempting to kidnap members of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). 

The attempted kidnapping was allegedly carried out in front of horrified guests, who included representatives from the Church, the ZCC said. 

The panel was the last event in the Zimbabwe Political Dialogue Series, held in partnership with ZimPapers Television Network. 

The aim of the dialogue series was to offer a safe place for political leaders to come together to discuss a lasting solution to the challenges facing the nation, the ZCC said. 

In addition to members of the MDC, panellists at the event came from Zanu PF (the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front), the National Peace Trust, and Women in Politics.

Those in attendance included community, business and Church leaders, as well as legislators, academics, students and members of the public. 

The ZCC said the gunmen interrupted the meeting at around 9pm local time after the discussion had already concluded and people were starting to leave the venue. 

It said that the attempt to abduct the MDC members was foiled by aids of the politicians and that the incident had been reported to the police.

In the statement, it condemned acts of violence and called for an investigation.

"As the church body that had created such a sacred and safe space for respectful engagement, we feel such acts of violence violate all forms of decency and should be condemned in the strongest of terms," it said. 

"We urge the law enforcement agents to carry out the necessary investigations to ascertain what transpired and bring the culprits to book."

The ZCC said it would continue to work towards dialogue and reconciliation in society.

"We are sowing the seeds of tolerance, unity in diversity, and nationhood by convening such dialogue processes," it said. 

"We must all embrace this opportunity to come together in order to rescue the situation through meaningful engagement, while it is available.

"The nation finds itself in a paralyzing complex of challenges that can only be effectively and sustainably resolved through a comprehensive and broad-based national dialogue.

"As such we call upon all Zimbabweans to support such a call which offers to unite Zimbabweans towards a peaceful, just and prosperous nation."