Zimbabwe: Church service for Tsvangirai's late wife

A church service will be held today for the wife of Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who died in a car accident last week.

Susan Tsvangirai Tsvangirai was killed and her husband injured last Friday when their car collided with a truck while they were on their way to Buhera.

Following the service, her body will be taken to a memorial event at the Glamis Stadium, which is expected to draw up to 30,000 people, including longstanding foe President Robert Mugabe, who also visited Mr Tsvangirai while he was in hospital following the crash.

According to the state-run Herald newspaper, the government is contributing to the costs of the service.

Immediately following the crash there was speculation that it may have been an assassination attempt, given the history of political violence in the country but both Morgan Tsvangirai and the British foreign ministry say they believe it was an accident.

The truck involved in the crash was part of a UK and US funded aid project. The driver, Chinoona Mwanda, 35, is on bail but has been charged with culpable homicide.