Carey Lodge

Witness Forced To Film Father Jacques Hamel's Brutal Murder
A witness to the murder of the priest slain by Islamist militants in France was forced to record the brutal incident, he has revealed after speaking publicly for the first time.

Five Sentenced To Life For Torture And Murder Of Christians In Turkey
Tilmann Geseke, UÄur Yüksel and Necati Aydın were bound together, tortured and then had their throats slit in the office of the Zirve Publishing House in Malatya, southeastern Turkey, on Easter Sunday in 2007.

Christian Values Are Under Attack In America, Say White, Working-Class Evangelicals
The overwhelming majority of white, evangelical working-class evangelicals believe that Christian values are under attack in America, a new poll has revealed.

Why The Church Has Got To Start Caring About Persecuted Christians
President of Open Doors UK & Ireland, Eddie Lyle, speaks to Christian Today about the worst places to be a Christian, and why it's time for the Church to speak up.

Meet The First Children To Return To Fallujah After ISIS
Families have begun to return to the besieged city of Fallujah in Syria, after ISIS militants fled the city in June when it was recaptured by government forces.
Christians 'Hung On A Cross Over Fire', Steamrollered And Crushed To Death In North Korea
Christians in North Korea face rape, torture, enslavement, and being killed for their faith, a damning new report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide has warned.

Archbishop of Canterbury: Europe is 'riddled with fear, resentment and anger'
A failure to understand the truth of God's mercy has left Europe "riddled with fear, resentment and anger," the Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday, and has led some people even to turn to extremism.

Which country has the fastest-growing church in the world?
Despite intense persecution, the church in Iran is thriving.

Canterbury Cathedral gets armed patrol as part of anti-terror drive
Armed police will now routinely patrol Canterbury Cathedral, one of the oldest Christian buildings in England and home cathedral of the Archbishop of Canterbury, as part of an anti-terror drive in Kent.

Feeling anxious about the future? 5 Psalms to help comfort you
The Psalms are full of encouraging and uplifting verses that can help comfort us in times of anxiety.

The Christian obsession with celebrity has got to stop
Why do we appear to value the faith of celebrities more than we do 'normal' people?

Churches burned and members threatened with violence: The reality of being a Christian in Cuba
Amid an escalating crackdown on churches in Cuba, a prominent pastor and religious freedom activist has warned that "the threat of physical violence... comes with the territory of being a Christian" in the Caribbean island.

Cardinal denies attacking Muslims after warning of 'Islamic conquest of Europe'
The office of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, said in a statement that his homily on September 11 had been "misinterpreted on social media as an attack against Muslims and even as directed against the refugees".

Meet the Christians who love their enemies, even when it's ISIS
Preemptive Love has spent years offering life-saving surgery to Iraqi children and since 2014 has delivered emergency aid to ISIS victims. In August, it delivered food and water to captured suspected-ISIS fighters.

Nicaragua ends restrictions targeting Christian missionaries
Church leaders have praised God for the move, which means missionaries will once again be allowed to enter the country freely.
Coptic Christians hospitalised in clash with Muslims
Two Christians have been hospitalised and dozens arrested in a fight between young Copts and Muslims in Egypt's Minya province, according to local media.