Daniel Blake

Concerns Arise as Vietnam is Removed from Religious Freedom Blacklist

Grave concerns have been expressed at the removal of Vietnam from the US State Department's list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for severe violations of religious freedom, published yesterday.

World Ecumenical Head to Lead Delegation on China Visit

The World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary, Rev Dr Samuel Kobia is set to lead an ecumenical delegation on a visit to China this week. The historical visit will take place from 15 to 22 November, and will be Kobia's first visit to China as the WCC head.

Leaked Document Reveals Alarming Plans to 'Subdue' Protestant Church in Vietnam

Details have been acquired of an internal Vietnamese government training manual, which outlines a plan "to resolutely subdue the abnormally rapid and spontaneous development of the Protestant religion" among ethnic minorities in the northwest highlands.

International Leaders Call for Urgent Action to Heal Muslim-West Conflict

Some of the world's most influential international leaders have been commissioned by the United Nations to make an urgent call for efforts to heal the growing rift between Muslim and Western societies.

5,000 Kenyans Rally International Community on Climate Change

Thousands of people, including Christians, united in the streets of Nairobi at the weekend, to demand that the international community immediately tackle the global threat of climate change.

UN Holds Landmark Meeting with Ugandan Rebel Leader

The United Nations Humanitarian Chief, Jan Egeland, has held a landmark meeting with Ugandan rebel leader, Joseph Kony, in an attempt to boost peace talks in Africa.

MI5 Warns of 30 Serious Terror Threats in UK

Britain's MI5 has revealed that it knows of 30 terror plots currently threatening the UK, and the agency is currently keeping up to 1,600 individuals under surveillance...

Sentamu Attacks Undermining of Britain's Religious Heritage

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has attacked the systematic erosion of Christianity from public life. The second-most senior archbishop in the Church of England told lay readers that illiberal atheists were undermining Britain's religious heritage.

Anglican Head and Archbishop of Westminster Launch New Christian Think Tank

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, have jointly backed a new religious think-tank in an effort to change the climate of opinion about the importance of faith in society.

Muslim Extremists Sentenced to Death Following Murder of Christian Convert

Two Muslim militants have been sentenced to death in Bangladesh for the murder of a Christian convert in the northern town of Jamalpur...

Church Launches New Resource to Boost Nation's Prayer Life

The Church of England is looking to boost the nation's prayer life through the launch of a new resource targeting small study groups. The latest initiative by the Church will use clips from a number of blockbuster movies such as, Four Weddings and a Funeral...

Christian Volunteers Build Hope for Egypt's Poorest Families

A team of intrepid Biblelands volunteers has just returned from rural Egypt, where they spent ten days helping some of the country's poorest inhabitants to rebuild their homes.

Canterbury Cathedral Raises £300,000 One Month into Restoration Campaign

Canterbury Cathedral has raised in excess of £300,000 in just one month in its campaign to gain funds for restoration works...

Fresh Concerns Arise Over Religious Freedom in Turkey as EU Membership is Questioned

As the EU Commission yesterday released its Progress Report on Turkey's preparations for EU membership, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has highlighted two cases which raise fresh concerns over the implementation of the country's religious freedom obligations.

Micah Challenge Calls on World Leaders to Account for MDGs Progress

A major campaign calling world leaders to account on the progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals is planned for 2007. 'Blow the Whistle' will mark the halfway point and draw attention to the lack of sufficient progress in fulfilling the commitments made by world leaders in 2000 with the aim of halving poverty by 2015.

World Vision Launches Educational Resource for Primary School Children

World Vision has recently launched its latest school resource - the 'Lost Raindrops' - which is a set of short fairytale stories aimed at Primary school children but with a much deeper meaning...