Daniel Blake
Evangelicals Present Pro Fide Award 2006 (For the Faith) to Sri Lanka
The International Pro Fide Award has been presented to the Rev. Godfrey Yogarajah of Sri Lanka, the General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of Asia, for his sacrificial service to the persecuted church, on Dec. 2, 2006.
Communities Told to 'Break the Silence' in Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2007
A Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been organised for 2007. Jointly prepared since 1968 by Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Roman Catholic Church, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally celebrated from 18-25 January
Christians in Iraq Suffer Muted Christmas Celebrations
Christians across Iraq celebrated a quiet and humble Christmas this year, as violence gripped the country as much as ever. One of Iraq's 800,000 Christians, Umm Salam, a 56-year-old widow gave a description of her festive season
Tsunami Fears as Major Earthquake Hits Off Taiwan
Two major earthquakes have struck just south of Taiwan on Boxing Day, with reports that a tsunami is set to hit the Philippines. The earthquake, of magnitude 7.1, occurred at a depth of 10km at 12.26 GMT, reported the US Geological Survey.
Pope Condemns World's Commercialisation of Christmas
Roman Catholic head, Pope Benedict XVI has called on the world not to shut Christ out of Christmas, during his Sunday blessing, 24 December 2006.
Wesley Owen & Tearfund Unite to 'Work a Miracle' for HIV/AIDS Sufferers
With Christmas almost upon us, Wesley Owen book shops have united with Tearfund is asking for Christians to spare a moment to help millions of children in Africa at risk from HIV and AIDS.
CARE Concerned as Department of Health Holds Embryology Act Review
The Christian social policy charity CARE has expressed serious concerns about the Review of the Embryology and Fertility Act published by the Department of Health last week.
World Evangelical Alliance Welcomes Historic New Middle East Member
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) has welcomed the Evangelical Local Council of Churches of the Holy Land (ELCCHL) as its newest member alliance.
Prayer Vigil Held for Murdered Ipswich Prostitutes Amid Pregnancy Revelations
More than 100 people gathered for a candlelit vigil on Friday night for the 5 murdered prostitutes, and their killer. One large candle was lit in memory of each prostitute at St Peter's Church in Copdock, near Ipswich.
International Church Forum Pushes for Peace in Palestine & Israel
With the urgent need to secure peace in Israel and Palestine at the top of the agenda, a World Council of Churches meeting has begun work on setting up an international forum to galvanise worldwide church advocacy for the Middle East.
Bible Society Launches Free Stamps to Educate on Christmas
Bible Society has launched a Christmas initiative to educate people on the true meaning of Christmas - the nativity story. This Christmas up to a million envelopes will carry an encouragement to read the Bible's story of the nativity with a link to a website where they can do so.
Church Army Launches Under 5's Worship Focus
Worship for children under five is important, says a new publication by Church Army's Sheffield Centre. The 17-page Encounters on the Edge resource (31 Small Beginnings), explores what it is to nurture spirituality in young children.
Operation Noah Tackles 'Humanity's Biggest Threat in 21st Century'
Operation Noah, the Churches' campaign to avert catastrophic climate change, has appointed Ann Pettifor, one of the architects of the hugely successful Jubilee 2000 campaign, as its new Campaign Director.
Rowan Williams Endorses Report on Child Marketing
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, has endorsed a report which aims to alert the public to the fact that children are under threat from a flood of marketing and advertising aimed directly at the young.
Ecumenical Conference Debates Churches' Response to Cruelty
A theological consultation on cruelty has been held by the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), 5-8 December 2006, in Puidoux, Switzerland.
Christians told Mission is at the Heart of God
Mission is central to God's very nature, delegates have heard at the Global Connections' conference in Swanwick. Conference speaker Clive Calver told that God is a sending God; the Father sent the Son; the Son sent the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit sends the Church.