Ed Cyzewski

Is a shift in theology enough to stop mainline decline?
Is a shift in theology enough to stop mainline decline?

Is there hope for the mainline Church in America? Or is it possible that the decline is so great that mainline Protestants won't last much longer than '23 Easters'?

Forget American religious freedom concerns. Freedom is threatened, period
Forget American religious freedom concerns. Freedom is threatened, period

Ed Cyzewski on how the events of May 4th offer a kind of microcosm of the Trump administration and why this may be so dangerous for our freedom in the months to come.

Are Trump-supporting evangelicals isolating themselves from the unchurched they want to reach?
Are Trump-supporting evangelicals isolating themselves from the unchurched they want to reach?

While only 51 per cent of all Protestants support President Trump's presidency so far, a striking 78 per cent of white evangelical Protestants remain committed to Trump.

Are American Christians really being persecuted – or are they just being manipulated?
Are American Christians really being persecuted – or are they just being manipulated?

There's an enduring narrative among many conservative Christian groups that the downfall and even persecution of Christianity in America is coming.

What is behind the Russell Moore showdown with Southern Baptists?
What is behind the Russell Moore showdown with Southern Baptists?

Race, Politics, and Money: Can Russell Moore unite Southern Baptists? Attempts to force Moore to resign must be seen within the wider struggle to determine the political future of the Southern Baptists.

The Mystery Of Millennials: They Aren\'t Who You Think They Are
The Mystery Of Millennials: They Aren't Who You Think They Are

While technology use and views on church are important to understand, some wider trends may cause church leaders to misunderstand the wider socio-economic forces driving the decisions of young adults in their 20's and 30's.

Evangelicals And Their Unnecessary Animosity Toward Academics
Evangelicals And Their Unnecessary Animosity Toward Academics

In 1994 Mark Knoll wrote about the scandal of American evangelical anti-intellectualism and many of his arguments remain relevant for the movement today.

Is Southern Baptist Decline Primarily an Image Problem?
Is Southern Baptist Decline Primarily an Image Problem?

Writer Ed Cyzewski asks whether the Southern Baptist Convention should consider a year of biblical reflection on the opposites of 'legalism' and 'fundamentalism'.

5 Ways Christians Can Resist Trump
5 Ways Christians Can Resist Trump

A Donald Trump presidency could threaten the Constitution of America, the freedom of the press, and the future of civil discourse in America.

Try This Christian Prayer Practice During The Holidays
Try This Christian Prayer Practice During The Holidays

What if an ancient Christian prayer practice dating back 1700 years could help you remain spiritually grounded while pursuing your many holiday tasks?

I Can\'t Prove The Christmas Story Is True, And That\'s OK
I Can't Prove The Christmas Story Is True, And That's OK

There's nothing that can cause a crisis of faith like trying to explain Bible stories to your kids.

American Evangelical Self-Preservation And The Destructive Policies Of Donald Trump

By voting for Donald Trump white evangelicals may have ensured the destruction of their own movement.

Does Religion Help Or Hurt Our Political Decision-Making?
Does Religion Help Or Hurt Our Political Decision-Making?

In the 2004 American election, I had deep misgivings about re-electing president George W Bush.

Proof That Women Are Expendable For American Evangelicals
Proof That Women Are Expendable For American Evangelicals

In the case of women, the evangelical acceptance of Trump's bullying and degrading of women is nothing new to the wider movement and worthy of closer scrutiny.

American Christians should be uneasy about militarism in sports
American Christians should be uneasy about militarism in sports

Whether or not you think athletes should stand for the anthem, the true dishonour to soldiers is when we forget their sacrifices and abandon them to suffer and die from their wounds.

The damaging myth of religious persecution in America
The damaging myth of religious persecution in America

American Christians are not suffering right now, but if you read some of the headlines lately, you'd think our churches are in danger of being shuttered.