Hazel Torres

Woman Sues Police For Telling Her She Cannot Pray In Her Home, Threatening Her With Arrest
Jail time for praying â inside one's home?

Police Officer Surprises Motorist Stopped For Speeding When He Prays Over Him After Learning Of His Sister's Death
What happened was totally unexpected.

Pastor Robert Jeffress Wants U.N. Abolished In A 'Heartbeat' For Asking Reparations For Slavery
"Abolish the United Nations." That was the quick reaction from Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas after a U.N. committee demanded that Americans pay reparations for their nation's history of slavery and oppression, The Christian Post reports.

Mysterious Veiled Woman With A Pistol Strikes Fear In Heart of ISIS As She Goes On Killing Spree
A mysterious veiled woman packing a pistol has been striking fear in the heart of the Islamic State (ISIS) as she killed two more jihadis in Iraq early this week, befuddling ISIS fighters who have been hunting her down.

Jesus Appears As Bus Driver To Muslim Pilgrim In Makkah, Convincing Him To Convert To Christianity
Many non-believers have had visions of Jesus Christâmostly in their dreamsâbefore they converted to Christianity. But Omar, a new Christian convert, saw Jesus not in his dream or in any mental imagery but inside a busâthe bus driver himself!

Children Of Divorced Parents More Likely To Drop Their Faith, Study Says
Is divorce helping undermine religion?

Most Americans Still Identify Themselves As Christians But Are Confused On Details Of Their Faith, Says Study
It's clear: Most Americans still consider themselves Christians. But something is not so clear: They have confusing, contradictory and even incompatible beliefs regarding their faith.

Muslim Gunmen Murder Dedicated Church Elder In Philippines; Young Daughter At A Loss Why Her Father Was Killed
Twelve-year-old Naomi could not understand why her father was mercilessly killed by two Muslim gunmen.

Jeremy Camp Writes Song In Honour Of Rachel Joy Scott, Columbine Massacre Victim Murdered Because Of Her Faith
Before she was shot in the head in cold blood, 17-year-old Rachel Joy Scott was asked by the two killers, "Do you still believe in your God?" She replied without hesitation, "You know that I do."

Young Boy Suffering From Debilitating Brain Disease Says He's Blessed: 'God Only Chooses People Who Can Handle It'
The pain is "like getting hit with a hammer ... with a real hammer." And that's just the initial hit.

Pastor Jamal Bryant And His Church Join NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick In His Sit-Down Anthem Protest
It was a silent sit-down protest that stirred America's racial melting pot, and now a pastor and his church have come out in support.

Over 200 New Church Planters Ready To Bring the Gospel To Nepal: 'Strike While The Iron Is Hot'
A Christian organisation that seeks to spread God's Word to unreached areas of the world is all set to move forward with its outreach mission to Nepal, an overwhelmingly Hindu South Asian nation.

Proposed 'Safe Zone' For Christians In Iraq Draws This Question: Who Would Spread The Gospel To Muslims?
A "safe zone" to protect the persecuted Christians in Iraq sparked a lot of interest when it was proposed during a recent meeting in Washington D.C., participated in by Iraqi Christians, Yazidis and members of other religious minorities.

God Speaks To Iranian Teen, Compelling Him To Leave Islam To Follow Jesus Even At The Risk Of Death
His father was not really a devout Muslim and more of a lover of money than his faith.

Former Buddhist Explains Why He Turned To Jesus: 'There Was Never A Personal Relationship With Any Of The Buddhas'
This Asian American grew up in a home in America adorned with statues of Buddha, with incense seeping in every room, including his own.

Thousands protest against same-sex marriage plan in Mexico, call for defence of family values, marriage institution
It was a sight to see: Tens of thousands of people dressed mainly in white and carrying white balloons, marching as they held banners warning against same-sex marriage and demanding parents' right to control sex education in schools.