Hazel Torres

Christian Scientist Wins Court Case, Gets Hefty Payout After Getting Fired for Challenging Evolution
Christian Scientist Wins Court Case, Gets Hefty Payout After Getting Fired for Challenging Evolution

An evangelical Christian scientist got fired from his job because of a dinosaur's fossil and his findings about it that put a question mark on evolution.

Miracle Baby Turns 1, and Still Growing Up, Despite Having Heart and Intestines Outside His Body
Miracle Baby Turns 1, and Still Growing Up, Despite Having Heart and Intestines Outside His Body

A year ago, doctors gave the newborn with a peculiar disorder zero chance of survival.

Some Evangelical Christians Sticking With Donald Trump Despite Lewd Video: \'He Apologised; He Said He Was Wrong\'
Some Evangelical Christians Sticking With Donald Trump Despite Lewd Video: 'He Apologised; He Said He Was Wrong'

Several evangelical Christians are sticking with Donald Trump despite the latest controversy on his lewd remarks on women that have cost him the support of some of his party mates.

Muslim Woman Rises from the Dead After 2 Days in Morgue, Tells Family Jesus Brought Her Back to Life
Muslim Woman Rises from the Dead After 2 Days in Morgue, Tells Family Jesus Brought Her Back to Life

This Muslim woman was pronounced dead and lying cold in a morgue in Moscow, Russia for two days already. Suddenly, she returned to life and stepped out of the hospital gurney!

With God\'s Help, Pastors and Their Families Survive Harsh Alaska Wilderness While Sharing Gospel with Indigenous Communities
With God's Help, Pastors and Their Families Survive Harsh Alaska Wilderness While Sharing Gospel with Indigenous Communities

God is present everywhere—even in the harsh and forbidding terrain of Alaska.

Is the Bible Authentic Even Though it\'s Based on Copies of Copies of Copies? Christian Apologist Lee Strobel Answers
Is the Bible Authentic Even Though it's Based on Copies of Copies of Copies? Christian Apologist Lee Strobel Answers

Since the Bible is based on copies of copies of copies—with no original source to verify these copies — how can people be assured that it still contains the unadulterated Word of God?

Persecuted Christian Refugees in Mideast Abandoned by U.S. and U.N., Says Top Rights Lawyer
Persecuted Christian Refugees in Mideast Abandoned by U.S. and U.N., Says Top Rights Lawyer

How could the U.S. acknowledge that Christians in Syria and Iraq are being subjected to genocide by the Islamic State (ISIS) and then apparently do nothing to stop it?

Christian Missionaries Brave Bombs and Bullets to Share Christ and Give Hope to People of Aleppo
Christian Missionaries Brave Bombs and Bullets to Share Christ and Give Hope to People of Aleppo

Fearless warriors of Christ are giving hope to the hopeless in the war-battered Syrian city of Aleppo.

Death Threats Can\'t Stop this Preacher From Sharing God\'s Word in \'Graveyard of Missionaries\'
Death Threats Can't Stop this Preacher From Sharing God's Word in 'Graveyard of Missionaries'

Go to "the graveyard of missionaries." That was the direct order God gave Zacharia, a pastor from southern India.

101-Year-Old Woman Receives Her First Communion: \'Never Too Late to Receive the Eucharist\'
101-Year-Old Woman Receives Her First Communion: 'Never Too Late to Receive the Eucharist'

Finally, after 101 years, she received the body of Christ.

Newt Gingrich Urges Pastors to Run for Office: \'Have the Courage to Stand Up and Tell the Truth\'
Newt Gingrich Urges Pastors to Run for Office: 'Have the Courage to Stand Up and Tell the Truth'

America is at "war" and pastors must lead in the fight to save the nation's Christian values and faith.