Jonah Hicap

Christian wish fulfilled: Las Vegas school  allows student to form anti-abortion club
Christian wish fulfilled: Las Vegas school allows student to form anti-abortion club

A Las Vegas high school has allowed a student to form an anti-abortion group on campus after it was sued when it denied the application for the club.

Texas abortion restriction proponents, critics arrange Supreme Court battle
Texas abortion restriction proponents, critics arrange Supreme Court battle

The case of abortion restriction laws in Texas has reached the US Supreme Court with a women's coalition asking justices to rescind regulations that they say will close more than 75 percent of abortion clinics in the state.

Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to issue marriage license to gay couples gets backing of 2 GOP presidential candidates
Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to issue marriage license to gay couples gets backing of 2 GOP presidential candidates

At least two Republican presidential bets—former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul—expressed support to a Kentucky county clerk who was sent to jail on Thursday after being held in contempt of court by a US federal judge for her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples on religious grounds.

Obama triumphs as he secures more than 34 votes in Senate to keep Iran nuclear deal
Obama triumphs as he secures more than 34 votes in Senate to keep Iran nuclear deal

The Obama administration has secured 34 Senate votes to keep the Iran deal, touted by the White House as the best option to keep the Islamic country from acquiring nuclear weapon but slammed by Republicans as a path to arm Tehran.

Students protest as Missouri school allows transgender teen to use facilities for girls
Students protest as Missouri school allows transgender teen to use facilities for girls

Students at a Missouri high school are protesting a transgender woman's privileges to use the girls' locker and restrooms.

Pastor asks atheist critics of Georgia school football team\'s mass baptism: \'When did it  become illegal to say I\'m a Christian?\'
Pastor asks atheist critics of Georgia school football team's mass baptism: 'When did it become illegal to say I'm a Christian?'

The pastor of the First Baptist Church in Villa Rica, Georgia, has responded to a group of atheists who denounced the mass baptism of the football coach and players of the Villa Rica High School, asking: "When did it become illegal to bow your head and pray? When did it become illegal to say I'm a Christian?"

North Carolina pastor accidentally kills self while cleaning gun on eve of his birthday
North Carolina pastor accidentally kills self while cleaning gun on eve of his birthday

A community in Charlotte, North Carolina is mourning the death of a pastor, who died when a gun he was cleaning accidentally discharged.

US clerk faces contempt raps for defying Supreme Court over gay marriage license
US clerk faces contempt raps for defying Supreme Court over gay marriage license

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in Kentucky is facing contempt charges after she continued to enforce her "no marriage license" policy, saying she's doing that "under God's authority."

President Obama needs just one more ally to ensure Congress OK of Iran nuke deal
President Obama needs just one more ally to ensure Congress OK of Iran nuke deal

The Obama administration now has 33 senators supporting the Iran deal with one more needed to protect it in case the US Congress rejects the agreement.

'It just fell out of the womb': 9th sting video shows how Planned Parenthood easily gets intact foetuses from mothers

The Center for Medical Progress has released a new undercover video which purportedly show staff of a firm linked to Planned Parenthood describing how intact fetuses can sometimes be easily obtained.

ISIS executes 91 people in one month in Syria, including 39 of its own fighters
ISIS executes 91 people in one month in Syria, including 39 of its own fighters

The jihadist group Islamic State (ISIS) has executed 91 people in Syria from July 29 to August 29 including 39 of its militants for allegations such as sorcery and betrayal.

Hindu extremists threaten to kill Christians in India if they \'utter the name of Christ\'
Hindu extremists threaten to kill Christians in India if they 'utter the name of Christ'

Hindu extremists in India are threatening Christians in India because of their faith.

Over 1,000 rabbis sign petition rejecting Iran deal, urge US Congress to reject it

More than 1,000 people have signed an online petition asking members of the US Congress to oppose the Iran deal, which aims to prevent the Islamic country to acquire nuclear weapon but critics say would do the opposite.

Kentucky clerk invokes \'God\'s authority\'  as she continues to deny marriage licenses to gays in defiance of Supreme Court order
Kentucky clerk invokes 'God's authority' as she continues to deny marriage licenses to gays in defiance of Supreme Court order

The US Supreme Court on Monday has rejected the emergency request by Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for a stay pending appeal against a lower court decision directing her to issue marriage license to same-sex couples, which she said violated her religious beliefs.

Outclassing al-Qaeda: ISIS \'growing like  crazy\' worldwide, warns top US official
Outclassing al-Qaeda: ISIS 'growing like crazy' worldwide, warns top US official

The jihadist group Islamic State (ISIS) is growing and expanding faster that what al-Qaeda did, threatening the Middle East, Africa and the far East.

\'Our nation is in crisis\': 10,000 join \'We Stand with God\' rally in South Carolina
'Our nation is in crisis': 10,000 join 'We Stand with God' rally in South Carolina

About 10,000 people assembled in front of the South Carolina state house Saturday for the "We Stand With God" rally that featured politicians and pastors and tackled issues such as Planned Parenthood, abortion and gay marriage.