Jonah Hicap

Lawyers' group defends US schools from atheists who want football chaplains out
A religious organization has vowed to defend colleges and universities that have footbal chaplains against claims by a group of atheists who charged that they are unconstitutional.

Cheney warns: Obama's Iran deal will lead to first use of nuclear weapon since 1945
Former US Vice President Dick Cheney and daughter Liz Cheney have criticized President Barack Obama's foreign policy, warning that the Iran deal will lead to the use of nuclear weapon since 1945.
Trump says he goes to Manhattan church, but latter says he's not an active member
Republican presidential bet Donald Trump, who said his favorite book is the Bible, said Thursday that he attends a Manhattan church but the church announced that the business magnate is a not an active member.

President Obama needs just 4 more Senate votes to assure survival of Iran nuke deal
The White House's lobbying for the Iran deal has gained another supporter.

Christian clerk loses appeal as US court orders her to issue gay marriage licenses
A federal appeals court has denied the motion by Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for a stay of a preliminary injuntion of a lower court that ordered her to stop her "no marriage license" policy, which she implemented after the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage last June.

Catholic school in Oregon changes hiring policy to allow gay and lesbian employees
An all-girls Catholic high school in Portland, Oregon has changed its employment policy, opening the door to gays and lesbians.

Iran already has atomic weapon, making nuke deal 'moot,' says US military expert
A retired US Army major general warned that Iran already has a nuclear weapon, leaving the Iran deal useless.

Christian persecution in China mounts with arrest of activists opposing cross removal
At least nine Christians were arrested by Chinese authorities for opposing an order by the government to remove church crosses.

15 Pakistani Christians arrested over flyer that gave deceased pastor title of 'apostle'
Fifteen Christians were charged with blasphemy by Pakistani police in Gurjat for publishing a flier that described a deceased pastor as one "who was given the title of an apostle."

On-air shooter says Charleston church slay pushed him to kill 2 of his TV colleagues
The on-air killer who shot and killed his former colleagues at WDBJ7 TV station in Roanoke, Virginia on Wednesday said he did it because of the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting in June.

Abortions down by over 4,000 cases in Texas as a result of tough pro-life laws
Abortions in Texas decreased by more than 4,000 in 2013 from 2012, attributed to anti-abortion laws that are one of the toughest in the United States.

Donald Trump's success in gaining support of evangelicals baffles NY Times columnist
Business mogul Donald Trump has gained support among evangelicals after the Republican presidential debate.

Kentucky students defy atheists by holding 'illegal' prayer at pre-football game event
Students at a Kentucky school defied an aetheist group's campaign against religious practices when they recited a prayer at a pre-footbal game ceremony.

Mormon church to continue supporting Boy Scouts despite decision on gay leaders
The Mormon church, which is the largest sponsor of Boy Scouts in the United States, said Wednesday that it will continue its affiliation with the organization despite that it allowed openly gay leaders to serve in units.

Turkey adds its firepower to coalition battling ISIS jihadists in Middle East
The United States and Turkey have finalized technical details that will include Turkey in the coalition to fight against the Islamic State (ISIS), according to the US Department of Defense.

ISIS out to exterminate all homosexuals in Mideast, uses Facebook to hunt them down
The terrorist Islamic State (ISIS) continues to persecute and kill gays in Syria and Iraq and it uses Facebook to track down friends of those who were captured.