Jonah Hicap

Parents' protests force Canadian Catholic school to put sex education lessons on ice
A Catholic school board in Ontario, Canada has decided to delay the implementation of its Health and Physical Education curriculum that contains sexual health topics after parents protested its content.

Boston Marathon bomber seeks new trial, claiming lack of evidence in his conviction
Convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is seeking a new trial in his case, hoping to overturn his sentence in the April 2013 terrorist attack that resulted in the death of three people and injury of 264.

South Carolina Senate OKs bill to remove Confederate flag from State House grounds
The South Carolina Senate voted on Monday a bill to remove the Confederate flag from the State House grounds and be placed to a Confederate relic room for display.

Obama administration blamed for killing of woman by illegal alien in San Francisco
The Obama administration shares the responsibility in the death of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle, who was shot by undocumented immigrant Francisco Sanchez in San Francisco Wednesday.

Virginia school under fire for including homosexuality, gender identity lessons
Lessons on homosexuality and gender identity have been included in Fairfax Country public schools curriculum, drawing opposition from some parents.

Doctor faces jail time for health care fraud, including giving chemo to healthy patients
A Detroit doctor is facing up to 175 years in prison for health care fraud, money laundering and conspiracy that enabled him to file claims with Medicare amounting to $225 million over six years.

7-year-old boy among 10 dead in Chicago 4th of July shootings; 52 others wounded
Five people were killed and 27 others were wounded in Chicago in just eight hours as the city celebrated the Fourth of July weekend.

9 in 10 Evangelicals not in favour of US Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling
Almost all evangelicals in the United States are against the US Supreme Court ruling that allowed same-sex marriage while 7 of 10 practicing Christians also oppose it.

More Americans back override of federal court rulings if state officials oppose them
One of three US voters now support the idea that states should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if their elected officials disagree with them.

Montana man, inspired by legalisation of same-sex union, seeks to marry 2nd wife
A polygamist man in Montana is seeking to marry his second wife after he was inspired by the US Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Christian clerks, bakers take stand against Supreme Court ruling on same-sex union
A country clerk in Rowan, Kentucky has been sued for refusing to issue marriage license to gay and straight couples, citing "religious concerns."

US Christian colleges wary of tax-exempt status loss after same-sex marriage ruling
Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States, Christian colleges nationwide are anxious on how the ruling will affect their policies and tax-exempt status

Mass killings involving guns and school shootings are contagious, US study finds
Mass killings involving firearms and school shootings, defined as four or more deaths, are contagious and may occur within almost two weeks after one such incident, according to a study.

Majority of Americans see Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, not racism
A total of 57% of Americans see confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride rather than racism, according to a CNN/ORC poll.

Oregon bakery ordered to pay $135,000 for wedding cake refusal to same-sex couple
A bakery in Gresham, Oregon which refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple was ordered to pay $135,000 in damages.

US survey: 1 in 3 owns firearm; 310 million guns in country with 318.9-M population
A new survey showed that almost one in three US adults owns at least one gun and predominantly white married men over 55 years old.