Jonah Hicap

Abortion cases down in nearly all US states as teen pregnancies continue to decline
Abortions in almost all US states have declined since 2010, the Huffington Post reported, based on a survey by the Associated Press.

School in Idaho decides to arm itself to ensure quick response to security problem
An isolated school in Idaho has decided to buy four guns as protection against criminals and trained staff to use them.

With Patriot Act gone, Cheney warns of terror attack in US even deadlier than 9/11
Former US Vice President Dick Cheney said Sen. Rand Paul made the wrong move when he forced the provisions of the Patriot Act to expire, warning that without these provisions the United States could face another attack even deadlier than 9/11.

Scott Walker supports constitutional amendment giving states the right to ban same-sex marriage
Winconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a son of a preacher, said he would support a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage if the Supreme Court decides to allow gay marriage nationwide.

Republican presidential hopefuls fire back at Clinton on voting rights issue
Several Republican presidential candidates have fired back at Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton who accused them of trying to make it difficult for Americans to vote.

Wisconsin's abortion ban bill focuses on saving foetus but silent on mother's health
The Republican-dominated Wisconsin legislature's Committee on Health and Human Services has approved a bill banning abortion on pregnancies of 20 weeks or more except when a woman is in medical emergency but the bill gives weight on saving the fetus and is silent on protecting the health of the mother.

California Senate passes controversial doctor-assisted death bill
The California Senate has passed on Thursday the doctor-assisted death bill, a legislation that is opposed by various pro-life groups.

Same-sex marriage will eventually destroy America, warns Alabama chief justice
The Alabama Supreme Court chief justice lashed out at same-sex marriage, saying it will end up destroying the United States as a nation.
White House requiring religious groups to hire gays to receive state funds?
The White House will reportedly implement a policy to require charitable humanitarian groups including religious groups to accept LGBT applicants to qualify for government funding, a Catholic institute said.

Father of 2 kids who died in car crash forgives driver who caused accident
A father of two kids who were killed in a car crash in North Carolina said he's already forgiven the driver of the box truck that caused that wreck.

Judge sides with student suspended by his school for sharing Christ with classmates
A federal judge has ordered a Washington school to erase the suspension records of a student who distributed Gospel literature and preached in school.

North Carolina Senate overrides governor's veto on gay marriage opt-out bill
North Carolina's Senate successfully overrode Gov. Pat McCrory's veto of the bill allowing magistrates and other officials to recuse themselves from performing gay marriages because of their religious beliefs.

Obama signs USA Freedom Act in major security policy reversal
In a a major security policy reversal, US intelligence agencies will no longer be allowed to spy on the phone calls made by millions of Americans as President Barack Obama signed the USA Freedom Act on Tuesday.

Teacher sues Colorado school for violating Constitution by promoting religion
A Jewish teacher has sued the school district and public school in Florence, Colorado for promoting religion in the school, saying that it violates the separation of church and state.

California bill seeks to promote free or low-cost abortion in licensed clinics
A bill that will require licensed clinics to notify clients of state programs that offer abortion services has been passed by the California State Assembly and is now in the State Senate.

Appeals court rules Idaho's restrictions on abortion are unconstitutional
A U.S. appeals court has struck down Idaho's ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.