Mark Woods

Why North Korea is the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian
Why North Korea is the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian

The world's most secretive and oppressive state is run by fear and brutality, writes Mark Woods.

Westboro Baptist targets Vicky Beeching in anti-gay protest
Westboro Baptist targets Vicky Beeching in anti-gay protest

Protesters picket the Gay Christian Network conference in Portland, Oregon.

Matthew Ashimolowo: I know who\'ll win Nigerian election
Matthew Ashimolowo: I know who'll win Nigerian election

The senior pastor of Kingsway International Christian Centre claims God has told him the results.

Oscar Romero was a true martyr, says Vatican
Oscar Romero was a true martyr, says Vatican

The murdered Salvadoran archbishop has moved closer to sainthood with the judgment from the Congregation for Saints' Causes.

Franklin Graham: Kelvin Cochran firing was \'politically correct bullying\'
Franklin Graham: Kelvin Cochran firing was 'politically correct bullying'

Graham has accused a gay Atlanta council member of going on a 'rampage' to discredit the former fire chief.

Britain to increase security in Jewish areas after Paris killings
Britain to increase security in Jewish areas after Paris killings

The attacks on a kosher supermarket have raised fears for Jews in the UK.

Bishop slams \'inhumane\' detention of 30,000 migrants
Bishop slams 'inhumane' detention of 30,000 migrants

The Bishop of Croydon has backed a time limit on detentions as some migrants are now held for more than two years.

Luxury hotel cancels booking for homeless people, backs down after protests
Luxury hotel cancels booking for homeless people, backs down after protests

A luxury hotel has said that homeless people can stay there after all.

Atlanta fire chief sacked in anti-gay book row may sue city
Atlanta fire chief sacked in anti-gay book row may sue city

Kelvin Cochran's case has been taken up by Alliance Defending Freedom.

Qu\'ran-burning pastor Terry Jones is running a French fries stand in Florida mall
Qu'ran-burning pastor Terry Jones is running a French fries stand in Florida mall

Terry Jones is number two on an Al Qaeda hit list and locals have raised security concerns.

Christianity is helping power Chinese economy, says study
Christianity is helping power Chinese economy, says study

Faith networks and Christian social values are contributing to China's growth.

Embattled Sri Lanka bishop steps down over financial scandal
Embattled Sri Lanka bishop steps down over financial scandal

Bishop Shanta Francis has resigned following months of speculation.

Muslim Egyptian President in groundbreaking visit to Christian church
Muslim Egyptian President in groundbreaking visit to Christian church

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi broke precedent and attended a service in Cairo's Coptic cathedral.

Atlanta fire chief sacked over \'anti-gay\' book
Atlanta fire chief sacked over 'anti-gay' book

Kevin Cochran has fiercely defended himself against charges of discrimination, but lost his job.

Cathedral verger hospitalised with head injuries after vicious attack
Cathedral verger hospitalised with head injuries after vicious attack

Blackburn Cathedral's head verger was assaulted in the cathedral nave.

#JeSuisCharlie: Paris killings generate outpouring of anger and sympathy
#JeSuisCharlie: Paris killings generate outpouring of anger and sympathy

Thousands have taken to social media to express their feelings about the murders at the Charlie Hebdo offices.