Mark Woods

Map that omits Israel leaves publisher facing storm of protest
Publisher HarperCollins is to pulp copies of an atlas destined for customers in the Gulf.

Christian surfers save family from drowning
Caught in rip tide off a New Zealand beach, a mother and her two sons were minutes from death.

AirAsia crash killed 41 members of one church
The Christian community of Surabaya has been devastated by the tragedy.

Billy Graham: How 'America's pastor' became a friend to presidents
Billy Graham's influence stretched to the very top of America's political tree â but his friendship with presidents was characterised by just that â friendship.

Iranian aid convoys poised to deliver aid to Iraqi Christians
Food, blankets and medical supplies are to be donated through the Red Crescent.

Pastor shoots assailant in church gun battle
A former employee has been left seriously injured after his minister returned fire.

Catholic bishop: Church should recognise same-sex relationships
Exclusivity, loyalty and care are what matters, says Bishop of Antwerp.

Year in review: The biggest church stories of 2014
Mark Woods offers his take on some of the notable events of the last 12 months.

Top 10 naff Christian cracker jokes
It's that time of year again - here are our best set of Bible quips to make you smile, or maybe just groan.

The real story of the Christmas truce
100 years to the day since it happened, are we quite sure we've got the details of the Christmas Truce right?

Glasgow tragedy - asking God why it happened
Don't expect, or offer, too many answers to this week's tragedy in Glasgow's George Square, says Mark Woods.

Great Grinches through the ages - five people who've always hated Christmas
There are plenty of real-life models for Dr Seuss' famous Christmas-hating character, writes Mark Woods.

The stories behind the nation's favourite Christmas carols
How much do we really know about our favourite carols and the people who wrote them?

Mark Driscoll 'believed his own hype, ran church like a business'
Mars Hill church lost sight of people it was ministering to, says Warren Throckmorton in a major interview.

Cuba: how Pope Francis' diplomacy helped end a Cold War conflict
Concerns remain about Cuba's human right record, but Churches argue there is hope for change.

Pregnant women shot by Islamic State for refusing to be sex slaves
Fighters murdered 150 women for rejecting 'jihad marriage'.