Neil Rees

The Story of Mothering Sunday
The fourth Sunday in Lent is called Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day in Britain and Ireland. This is the story ...

What do we know about the queens in the Bible?
In the Bible, it was not just men who ruled as kings, but also some women reigned as queens in their own right. This is their story...

The little known story of Spurgeon's preacher sister
Crowds came to hear her and chapels were full, drawn by the chance to see a lady preacher but also one who happened to be Charles Haddon Spurgeon's sister.

The little known story of the first Anglican female preachers
The Church of England first appointed female preachers during the First World War. This is the story ...

What is Lent and why do we keep it?
Lent is a traditional period in the Church calendar which precedes Easter. This the story ...

Why do some Christians celebrate Christmas on 7 January?
Across most of the Orthodox world, many millions of people celebrate Christmas on 7 January. This is the story...

Who were the magi remembered by the Church at Epiphany?
Epiphany on January 6 recalls the visit of Magi, or wise men, to the infant Jesus. It falls on the 12th day after Christmas and brings the Christmas season to a close. But who were the wise men that are remembered on this day?

What is Epiphany and why do we celebrate it?
At Epiphany, we remember the wise men who came to find Jesus. This is the story...

When Jesus himself was a refugee from the holy land
As we watch the news of people fleeing the holy land, it reminds us that Jesus himself was also a refugee from that area. This is the story...

What are the Twelve Days of Christmas?
There is a well-known Christmas song called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Some people think it is steeped in biblical allegories. This is the story ...

What was the Census that took Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem?
In the Christmas narrative Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem because of a census. This is the story ...

The story of songs in Luke's Nativity - and their influence on Christian worship
The songs of Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon, are known as the Christmas Canticles. They have continued to be used as rich songs of praise down through the ages.

The story of the Christmas tree
The Christmas tree is not in the Bible but is rooted in Christian symbolism. This is the story...

Christmas â the original story
The Christmas Nativity story as we know it is formed by harmonising two different accounts from the New Testament. This is the story ...

What is Advent and why do we celebrate it?
In churches across the land, Advent marks the coming of Christmas. This is the story ...

The story of Thanksgiving
Every fourth Thursday of November, Americans everywhere, whether in the US or overseas mark Thanksgiving. This is the story ...