Neil Rees

The story of Remembrance Sunday
The story of Remembrance Sunday

Each second Sunday in November people gather together for Remembrance Sunday. This is the story...

What is Bible Sunday?
What is Bible Sunday?

Every year at the end of October, Bible Sunday is held in many churches across the world. This is the story...

What are Harvest Festivals and why do we have them?
What are Harvest Festivals and why do we have them?

Through September and October, British churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival, but the modern Harvest Festival is mainly a Victorian development based on biblical themes.

How the Psalms have been central to worship through history
How the Psalms have been central to worship through history

The Psalms have played an important role in Jewish and Christian tradition from ancient times until today. It is the oldest continually used songbook in human history. This is the story...

Who was the Venerable Bede and why is he important?
Who was the Venerable Bede and why is he important?

There are many churches, monasteries, and schools around the world that are dedicated to Bede and his legacy continues to serve as an inspiration to Christians around the world.

What is Pentecost and why do we celebrate it?
What is Pentecost and why do we celebrate it?

Pentecost Sunday is a significant event in the Christian calendar each year. It's a day which goes back to the Early Church, and transcends denominational boundaries.

What is the biblical basis of the coronation?
What is the biblical basis of the coronation?

The religious coronation of a monarch goes back to ancient times and the origin of the British coronation ceremony is very much rooted in the Bible.