Tim Farron

Christmas is important to our communities - it brings us together
Christmas is important to our communities - it brings us together

Christmas is full of stories. Dickens' Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, the Home Alone films, the many legends of Father Christmas. But the Christmas story is a different kind of tale altogether.

The tension and hope of Advent
The tension and hope of Advent

How do we reconcile the fact of Jesus' birth and the promise of restoration, with the brokenness all around us?

Let's pray for our nation's leaders
Let's pray for our nation's leaders

Ceremony and bizarre ritual aside, this is an important moment in the parliamentary calendar to stridently pray for our nation, our government, our parliament, our democracy, our monarch, our leaders.

A concrete example of the failure of long-term planning
A concrete example of the failure of long-term planning

Jesus clarifies that everyone is our neighbour, including those who are not yet alive and who will live with the consequences of our actions and inactions.

Thinking through the two-child benefit cap debate as Christians
Thinking through the two-child benefit cap debate as Christians

As Christians weigh up different parties' proposals, there are three questions we can ask.

Praying for God to raise up a generation of leaders for such a time as this
Praying for God to raise up a generation of leaders for such a time as this

We need leaders who are prepared to look for solutions to problems, rather than constantly reacting to the symptoms, applying sticking plasters and hoping that something will turn up.

Praying for our leaders
Praying for our leaders

Maybe we should start with those leaders who we think deserve our prayers the least. Those who make us angry.

Politics has gone crazy .... again!
Politics has gone crazy .... again!

Why – despite all the muck – should Christians still be getting stuck into politics?

Britain's got a sewage problem
Britain's got a sewage problem

Today – and I hope you aren't eating – I want to talk about sewage! Specifically, the tons and tons of raw sewage that water companies are allowed to pump into our lakes and rivers every day.

A good leader, according to the Bible
A good leader, according to the Bible

The world has it wrong when it comes to thinking about what a leader should look like, how they should act, what their posture to their team should be.

How can Christians respond to the crisis in the NHS?
How can Christians respond to the crisis in the NHS?

A perfect storm is battering the NHS. How can Christians respond to this situation?

How are you feeling as Christmas approaches?
How are you feeling as Christmas approaches?

This year many people will not be focused on the glitter and magic of the Christmas season, instead they will be worrying about how they are going to buy presents for their children, how they will be able to afford to cook Christmas dinner, and how they will heat their homes.

The good news about the census
The good news about the census

Let's be reassured from this outpouring of interest, that people are still fascinated by the role of faith in people's lives and in society more broadly, even where they don't share or understand it.

We need a compassionate response to those genuinely seeking asylum on our shores
We need a compassionate response to those genuinely seeking asylum on our shores

I don't believe in a migration free-for-all. There need to be appropriate controls, but I can't support an asylum policy that is driven by a divisive assumption that refugees are aliens seeking to invade our shores.

The scandal of squalid housing in modern Britain
The scandal of squalid housing in modern Britain

How on earth are we in a situation in 2022 where, according to the English Housing Survey, 9% of England's housing stock fails to meet the statutory minimum standard for housing because of a category 1 hazard.

Britain's hidden education crisis
Britain's hidden education crisis

Teachers and support staff are drained: by the Covid fall-out, increasing behavioural challenges, and the prospect of cutting essential staff to balance the books.