Tim Farron
Why Christians should care about a European Super League
You may not think this is an area where you need to hold an opinion unless you are a big football fan, or that it's just too trivial for Christians to muster a view about. But the Super League exposes issues of corruption, concentration of power, community cohesion, aspiration and character-building for young people right down to the level of the local non-league or school club, writes Tim Farron MP.

Cultural Christianity is not the same as faith in Christ
We shouldn't want people to tick 'Christian' on the census if it merely points to cultural identity rather than a real faith in Christ, writes Tim Farron.

In Jesus, we find an eternal perspective that reaches far beyond the trials of Brexit and a cancelled Christmas
The Christmas story offers us meaning and purpose in our lives, and an eternal perspective that reaches beyond the temporary trials of the Covid pandemic, Brexit and even beyond the lifespan of humanity itself.

Is the Government wrong to close churches?
Lib Dem MP Tim Farron weighs in on whether churches should have been allowed to stay open during England's second national lockdown.

Why we should battle through the political jargon and continue to engage with politics
As our country and our world experiences huge challenges, our national discourse is crying out for an injection of sensible and prayerful engagement.

What is our attitude to those seeking safety on our shores?
A YouGov poll has found that almost half of the British people have little or no sympathy for the migrants crossing the Channel, and a similar number believe that we have no responsibility to help or protect them. But what should a Christian response look like?

Christians shouldn't just be another predictable lobby group
So many Christians contacted me about the Domestic Abuse Bill but not one of them spoke of their concern for the victims of domestic abuse.

The significance of statues
I'm not comfortable honouring those whose wealth and worth were tied up in the misery and humiliation of others. I'm also not comfortable with crowds of people taking matters into their own hands to take down those statues they're not comfortable with.

Trump is using the Bible as a defence but for Christians everywhere it is an offence
Where on earth do we start when faced with the image of Donald Trump awkwardly brandishing a Bible outside a church, after ordering the teargassing of peaceful demonstrators who stood in the way of his photo opportunity?

In times like these, we need to draw on reserves we didn't know we had
In these uncertain political times, with a new disease stalking the globe and anxiety levels on the rise, let's remember the hope which we profess and know that even amidst our disappointments, we are part of a Kingdom that will never end.

It's time to re-humanise politics
Former Lib Dem leader Tim Farron says we don't have to agree with our politicians to care about them or pray for them.

Progressive politicians will not win the right to run the country again until they learn to stop hectoring the electorate
We on the progressive wing of politics â liberal, left and Remainers â are still feeling pretty battered and bruised by December's election result.

After a bruising year, Christmas offers lessons in unity, healing and reconciliation
Christmas is a time of year when our divided nation finds something in common to gather around, writes Lib Dem MP Tim Farron.

Politicians, just like everyone else, need to mind their language
Passionate debate is part of what politics is all about. But the language that we throw around, of 'treason', 'surrender' and 'dictatorship', has direct consequences.

The Government's promises on refugee resettlement are simply not good enough
Four years on from the horrific picture of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi face down in the sand, former Lib Dem leader Tim Farron says Britain should be taking in far more refugees for resettlement than it currently is.
Tim Farron on the Brexit debate: It's time to call a halt to physical and verbal intimidation
We need to get past the discourse of insults and triumphalism, and to humanise rather than demonise our opponents.