
What does it take to be a great pastor?
What does it take to be a great pastor?

But here's the problem: I don't feel great.

Charismatic movements in the 20th and 21st centuries
Charismatic movements in the 20th and 21st centuries

In the 20th century a great deal of discussion – and controversy and disagreement – was generated by contrasting viewpoints concerning the way the Holy Spirit is experienced by individuals and communities and the impact of this on services and worship. That dynamic conversation and exploration continues.

We have rendered to Caesar what belongs to God
We have rendered to Caesar what belongs to God

We have a nation divided. If we turn, humble ourselves, and see His face, and turn from our wicked ways, we can heal our nation through prayer to Jesus.

The direction of the Starmer government bodes ill for orthodox Christians
The direction of the Starmer government bodes ill for orthodox Christians

Sir Keir Starmer has all the hallmarks of an excellent leader, which is why it's worrying that he is leading the country in the wrong direction.

A pastor's role in 2024 presidential politics
A pastor's role in 2024 presidential politics

As a person, I am responsible for who I vote for in the 2024 presidential election. As a pastor, I am responsible for stewarding God's people and their questions regarding such matters pertaining to life and godliness - and politics would be one of those areas.

You don't have to be mega wealthy to be just as generous as Taylor Swift
You don't have to be mega wealthy to be just as generous as Taylor Swift

Generosity isn't about quantity, it's about mindset.

Why evangelizing the nations must start with American Gen Zers

How can we evangelize to the world if we cannot even evangelize at home? We can't expect to export what we don't live out locally.

Christians will need courage if Keir Starmer's government moves ahead with conversion therapy ban
Christians will need courage if Keir Starmer's government moves ahead with conversion therapy ban

The proposed ban is arguably the most draconian restriction on British religious liberty since the 17th Century.

Bernard Randall deserves better from the Church of England he has so faithfully served
Bernard Randall deserves better from the Church of England he has so faithfully served

The Church of England's treatment of him is appalling by any measure.

Was the failed assassination of Donald Trump an act of God?
Was the failed assassination of Donald Trump an act of God?

In considering these claims that God acted to prevent Donald Trump being assassinated, we must first be clear about what it means to say that something is a miracle.

Why I'm celebrating girls in sport
Why I'm celebrating girls in sport

We assume that it's the same journey to the top for male and female athletes, but it's not always.

From affliction to hope: Isaiah's message for our times
From affliction to hope: Isaiah's message for our times

Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on Isaiah Chapter 1 and the saddest period in the Jewish calendar.

If David is a man after God's own heart, why so many wives?
If David is a man after God's own heart, why so many wives?

This is important to see because God wanted His King to be a husband to one wife. So why was David a man after God's own heart with so many wives?

Why Christian adoption agencies should have the right to deny Jewish couples
Why Christian adoption agencies should have the right to deny Jewish couples

It might seem strange that an Orthodox Jewish rabbi would side with a Christian adoption agency that refused to accommodate a Jewish couple. But I do.

How can Christians fight back against disinformation?
How can Christians fight back against disinformation?

Disinformation and fake news have helped fuel the riots and disorder taking place across parts of the UK. It's just the latest example of how social media can impact all of our lives.

Why the Archbishop of Canterbury needs to think again on Israel and the International Court of Justice
Why the Archbishop of Canterbury needs to think again on Israel and the International Court of Justice

To put the matter most starkly, while the archbishop has repeatedly deplored the Jewish Holocaust in Europe during the twentieth century, what he is calling for runs the danger of setting up the conditions for another such Holocaust to take place in this century.