
Donald Trump is president â pray for him
Donald Trump has won the 2024 US election to be the next president of the United States of America. It is likely to be one of the most consequential moments in international politics for years to come.

Archbishop Steve Wood on where the ACNA has been, and where it's headed
Before he was elected as the third archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, Steve Wood was one of the earliest Covid-19 patients in the United States, placed on a ventilator for 10 days in March 2020.

The secular sacrament of abortion
So why is there this obsession with abortion? How have we moved from 'it should be safe and rare' to it now being a badge of honour? When did questioning abortion and arguing for the right of the baby to live, become a badge of fascism?

Justin Welby's position on gay sex is not only theologically indefensible, it's logically irreconcilable
Christianity is not founded on feelings or being 'nice' to people, but on the revelation of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, as set down in the Bible. No one who holds otherwise is fit to hold office in the Church.

What now after those Welby comments?
The orthodox who remain in the Church of England face a difficult balancing act.

Can a 'parallel province' in the Church of England actually work?
Moves to create a parallel leadership structure cannot change the legal reality in the established Church.

Why Welby should resign
Welby's logic is actually completely backwards.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's new position on sex and marriage: a 'journey' or a departure?
It may well be religion, and fervent religion at that. But you can't claim it is Christianity.

12 reasons not to legalise assisted suicide
MPs will be debating whether to legalise assisted suicide on 29 November when Kim Leadbeater's Bill is up for its second reading. However the bill is worded, there are multiple good reasons not to change the law on assisted suicide.

Welby's comments on gay sex will only deepen divisions in the Church of England and Anglican Communion
Archbishop Justin Welby has made clear that he no longer believes sex outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful.

Where is Jordan Peterson on his spiritual journey?
Peterson has been a gateway to Christianity for many people. But where does he stand himself?

Why I will be joining the Global Day of Prayer for the Media
Today, perhaps more than ever before, media has the power to shape our world. Let's pray for those who work in it, that they will be guided by integrity, compassion, and a commitment to the truth.

Welcoming the first Global Day of Prayer for the Media
The event is the brainchild of co-operation between Christians in Media UK, Christian Media and Art Australia, the Christian Broadcasting Association of New Zealand, and the Hollywood Prayer Network in the US.

How much do we know about the brothers and sisters of Jesus?
Jesus had brothers and sisters, who are mentioned in the New Testament.

Navigating the future of evangelism: Rev Jaehoon Lee reflects on Lausanne 4
Rev Jaehoon Lee, Co-Chair of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, reflects on the significance of the recent historic gathering of 5,400 participants in Korea.

Who is my neighbour? Overcoming polarisation in politics
Wherever such division lies, Jesus' message surely applies. He has called us all to consider who our neighbour is and how we can put aside our political differences to love them well.