Nurturing our relationship with God
Plants get their nutrients from the soil and as Christians our nutrients come from God's Word.
Plants get their nutrients from the soil and as Christians our nutrients come from God's Word.
There needs to be a mentality shift away from a perfect start, towards the future we can strive for every day.
The identity of the magi is ultimately more mysterious and more complex than what traditional Christmas stories suggest.
Growing up to be an independent person, then learning dependency towards God, I am so grateful that I have the best of the best I can depend on.
The majority of us are just ordinary people.
One of the most amazing things about nature that I find inspiring is the ability of a dwindling, dying, dried-out plant to bounce right back into a flourishing bloom after receiving watering, nurturing, and a little bit of pruning.
While yearlong plans taking readers from Genesis to Revelation have been around for years, podcasts have more recently become a popular way for listeners to keep up with or better understand a daily Bible reading plan.
People advocate for concepts like being kind to our neighbours and being generous to those in need. No one is arguing with that. Yet give away that you're approaching these ideas from a 'religious' point of view and the respect stops.
Pandemics are not new. Nor are our responses to them. This should caution us to respond, not with less passion, but with a wisdom that we have been here before and we must have a balanced response.
Comfortingly, Satan is on the end of God's short leash; it is God Who is ultimately in firm control.
The idea of the divine participating in the conception of a child destined for greatness wouldn't have seemed so unusual to an ancient audience.
Our Saviour arrived in chaos. And guess what, he's still showing up in yours.
Today, we do not wait for the Messiah to bring salvation. We wait for the Messiah to return, when He will reveal Himself fully as King and restorer of all creation.