Angie Chui
Watch the first trailer of 'I'm Not Ashamed' The Rachel Joy Scott Columbine story
Pure Flix Entertainment, the studio behind "God's Not Dead," recently released the first trailer of its upcoming movie "I'm Not Ashamed," which tells the story of Columbine High School martyr Rachel Joy Scott

Former inmate turned pastor has some wise words for conflict resolution
Dr. Robert Winfree knows a thing or two about violent conflict. Before he became the pastor of the New Deliverance Tabernacle, he served time in prison in his 20s.

'God's Not Dead 2',' Miracles from Heaven' perform well in ticket sales despite lukewarm reviews
Despite being widely criticised by film critics, faith based films "God's Not Dead 2" and "Miracles from Heaven" are doing well in terms of ticket sales, as a testament to the loyal and solid following of faith based audiences.

Vin Diesel fulfils childhood dream of singing with gospel choir
It may not seem like it but action star Vin Diesel has always wanted to sing with a church choir. The problem was he was always afraid to.

Franklin Graham slams Bruce Springsteen cancellation of NC concert over #HB2
Following rocker Bruce Springsteen's announcement that he will cancel his planned concert in North Carolina over a Charlotte state law that bars transgender people from using bathrooms that do not correspond to their birth gender, Rev. Franklin Graham has fired back against the rock icon on his Facebook page.

Christian couple to open first home for sex trafficked boys in the US
Christian couple Chris and Anna Smith are opening the first ever shelter for sex trafficked boys later this year, and the couple believes the project was completed because of God's will.

Prophet Mboro 'heaven selfies' apparently lost in carwash
Days after Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic Communities expressed an intent to reinstate extortion charges against him for charging fees for his "heaven selfies," South African pastor Prophet Mboro has claimed that the evidence is already lost.

Melissa Joan Hart wants religious tolerance for all in America
Actress Melissa Joan Hart thinks that religious tolerance is an important conversation to be having at the moment and Christians' rights need to be equally represented along with other religions.

Newsboys lead singer Michael Tait moved to tears when homeless choir sings 'We Believe' for the band
Christian rock band Newsboys has been making using their gift of music to spread God's word for years now, but when their song was performed by a group of homeless men the band's frontman Michael Tait was moved to tears.

Craig Groeschel clears up some misconceptions around money, the Bible and what really is the root of all evil
The Life Church pastor wants Christians to be clear about something: money is not in itself the problem

Understanding of jihad muddled because of multitude of conflicting materials
Theologian and book author James R. White says interpretations of jihad can be quite muddled because of the varied understandings and multitude of materials from the Koran.

What we can learn from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson about handling disagreements
Blogger Samuel D. James thinks the lost art of disagreement practiced by our forefathers could well serve this generation.
Pastor to bike 1,200 miles for two weeks to serve others
A Lutheran pastor will cycle a total of 1,200 miles and from Arkansas to Tennessee and stop over in 10 cities to join thousands of Lutherans as they embark on various projects to serve their communities.

Wycliffe Associates translators only want to 're-double' their efforts after deadly terrorist attack
Wycliffe Associates, a ministry focused on Bible translation, is determined to re-double its efforts to accomplish its mission following the death of four of its Middle East translators in an attack by suspected Islamic radicals.

Indiana signs law to protect down syndrome babies from abortion
Starting July, it will be illegal for babies to be aborted on the basis of having Down Syndrome after Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law a bill protecting unborn children with the genetic condition.

Underground churches thriving in Iran despite persecution
Iran may have taken the 9th spot in the 2016 Watch List of most severe persecutors of Christians but this has not deterred thousands to become Christians and join underground house churches, despite being illegal in the country.