Angie Chui

Pastor, wife live out Easter message by forgiving truck driver responsible for death of 2 sons
A pastor and his wife are living out the meaning of Christ's resurrection by forgiving the truck driver responsible for the death of their two children.

Chicago church vandalised with swastika, hate messages; attack believed to be spurred by church support for immigration reform
A Chicago church has been vandalised with swastika and "Rape Mexico" graffiti for two consecutive mornings after Rev. Jessie Jackson delivered on Easter Sunday a powerful sermon underscoring the essence of immigration reform.

'God's Not Dead 2' fails to wow critics, gets lukewarm early reviews
While the original "God's Not Dead" movie proved to be a sleeper hit with critics and moviegoers alike, the sequel is finding it hard to find its footing among early reviewers of the film who levelled complaints about a heavy handed approach to defending the faith.

'The Passion Live' draws positive reviews from critics
Fox's "The Passion Live" narrated by Tyler Perry was a unique take on the classic Bible story and its huge gamble paid off as critics and reviewers have generally given the special glowing reviews.

Perry Noble issues 90 day tithing challenge with offer of refund: Reap God's blessings or get your money back
A megachurch pastor is asking his flock to join an experimental tithing challenge which guarantees a refund to anyone who does not receive God's blessing within 90 days.

God's Not Dead 2 star Melissa Joan Hart says she's 'getting grief' for role in the movie
How times change. While in her younger years, actress Melissa Joan Hart got flak from Christians for playing Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, supposedly for popularising magic and witchcraft, she is now playing a Christian woman who is being prosecuted for expressing her faith in class - and this time it's Christians fighting her corner.

Stop trying to give Jesus a makeover, Christian blogger says
Christian blogger Josh Buice has a problem with attempts by some to repackage and rebrand the gospel to make it more appealing to people, arguing that the true meaning of the word is overpowered by style.

One ministry leader's time management advice: sometimes it's better to be good than to be a perfectionist
Lifeway founder Thom S. Rainer understands that time management is one aspect that many busy people struggle with and if it pains ordinary folk to juggle their schedules just so they can find time to do the things they need to, the problem could be even more difficult for those in ministry.

Reba McEntire says it was God who gave her the strength to get through divorce
Country star Reba McEntire is crediting her Christian faith for helping her through a difficult divorce process that took two years.

'Jill and Jessa Counting On' reveals which Duggar sibling spent most time in prison
The next episode of TLC's "Jill and Jessa: Counting On" will shift its focus from Jana Duggar to another Duggar sibling and this time, it will be Jinger who will be placed in the spotlight.

Former Muslim turned Christian scholar: Christians must be equipped to provide young Muslims with alternatives to violent jihad
"Muslims must depart from the literal reading of the Koran in order to create a jihad-free Islamic world," says one Muslim turned Christian scholar.

Thom S. Rainer on the simple things church members can do to make an eternal difference at their Easter service
With Easter celebrations just around the corner, Churches are already gearing for creative ways to make the event memorable and meaningful for the faithful. However, Lifeway founder Thom S. Rainer has a few reminders for Churches and church members that while there is nothing wrong with coming up with fresh ideas to celebrate, churchgoers should not forget the meaning of the season and take the opportunity to build more bridges to the new faithful.

Paul McGuinness on effective mission: do with rather than do for
With the amount of challenges plaguing the world, it comes naturally for Christians to want to share their ministry and engage in mission work to make a difference. There are those who have spent their whole lives serving while there are those who are embarking on their first foray into the life of a missionary.

CJ Mahaney on why pastors need more than patience
It's one thing to be patience, but it's another thing to be "completely patient," which is the requirement of every pastor in fulfilling their vocation in often challenging circumstances.

Trevin Wax: we cheat Easter if we don't give it the same amount of attention as Christmas
The managing editor of LifeWay's Gospel Project wants Christians to think about the meaning of Easter long after the event

Malaysian man finally allowed to embrace Christianity after 33 year court battle
It took 33 years but a Malaysian man was finally granted permission by the country's High Court to renounce Islam and embrace Christianity.