Angie Chui
Justin Bieber tells his fans to rest in the presence of God
When pop superstar Justin Bieber committed to turn over a new leaf, he meant it. And now, after rediscovering his faith the young artist is using his celebrity to influence others to do the same.

RT Kendall won't take sides on Trump but refuses to criticise faith leaders who do so
Dr. RT Kendall will neither endorse nor criticize controversial presidential aspirant Donald Trump but he said he understands why US church leaders are compelled to air their support for the outspoken businessman.

Pastor's 'Heaven' pics land him in hot water with South African Commission over accusations of extortion
A South African pastor who recently claimed to have ascended to Heaven and taken pictures of the pearly gates is now in hot water after charging a fee to see the photos.

How to handle conflict like a Christian
In the middle of a heated argument, people often get caught up in the moment and that goes for Christians too. No matter how much we might want to live by God's word to be "quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry" (James 1:19), temper can often get the best of us and as a result, conflict escalates.

Kanye West's 'Ultralight Prayer' sounds more like a hymn than hip hop
Kanye West recently dropped the latest song in his new album, "The Life of Pablo" and to describe it as a surprise for most fans is an understatement.

Pastor claims to have seen heaven, takes pics to prove it
A South African preacher is claiming that he was able to go to heaven and take pictures of paradise but his story is not being received in the way that he expects. In fact, he is being ridiculed online for trying to sell photos of heaven.

Max Lucado fears Donald Trump in the White House would put non-believers off Christianity
While Christian leaders from other denominations have been vocal about their support for Donald Trump's bid for the presidency, Pastor Max Lucado also remains vocal about his reservations about the business tycoon, saying he believes Trump is giving Christians a bad name.

Freed prison inmate who spent 30 years behind bars is made a pastor at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church
After more than three decades in prison, Danny Duchene is ready to start afresh, this time to play a role in the spiritual renewal at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in Lake Forest California where he will lead the Mercy Ministry for those who are behind bars.

How should married couples approach conflicts and challenges?
When a couple gets married, one of the advices that they receive is "Put Christ at the center of relationship," but given the many issues that partners need to face. They do not always get to follow this advice and find themselves at a loss when they are faced with challenges.

'Jill and Jessa: Counting On' shunned by advertisers not keen on associating with Duggar name
While the Duggars' new TLC show "Jill and Jessa: Counting On" is rating very well on the network, advertisers are evidently still not keen on having their brands associated with the huge family in the wake of eldest son Josh's major molestation scandal from last year.

Do doubts invalidate our salvation? One pastor explains what you can do if your faith is weak
When people go through trials, they sometimes begin to doubt the reality of God and even the most faithful are prone to having their belief shaken. Even men from the Bible have had their moments of doubt. But does doubting mean losing our salvation? Pastor Mark Altrogge believes this is not the case.

'God's Not Dead 2' Melissa Joan Hart and Jesse Metcalfe discuss their Christian faith
The lead stars of "God's Not Dead 2," which released to theaters on April 1, are taking the opportunity to speak out about their own journeys of faith.

What is the secret to becoming a leader who lasts?
Lifeway President Thom S. Rainer, shares what it takes for an individual to become the type of leader that brings true value to his organisation and those under them.

Harper Lee mocked Donald Trump in private letters: staying at his hotel would be God's 'worst punishment' on her
Harper Lee's private letters reveal insights into the 'To Kill a Mockingbird' author's views on fans and even presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Franklin Graham tells terrorists: Every knee will bow to Jesus, not Islam
Even as the world comes to terms with the deadly attacks in Brussels by the Islamic State (ISIS), a fresh attack on Easter Sunday in Pakistan claimed by the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar terror group took the lives of 70 Christians who were attending the celebration. Rev. Franklin Graham has aired his outrage on his Facebook page and condemned the attacks.

Georgia religious liberty bill collapses amid pressure from Disney and Marvel
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a religious liberty bill that would prevent the state government from punishing churches, pastors and faith based organisations for refusing to perform same sex marriage or declining service to those who violate their sincerely held religious belief.