Hazel Torres

Second Coming of Jesus on November 14? Biggest Supermoon to Appear Since Israel Became a Nation
Once again, there is talk about the Second Coming of Jesus, the day when Christ will return to earth in fulfilment of His promises and to fulfill the prophecies made about Him.

Christian Children Forced to Wear Hijab, Beaten for Refusing to Recite Quran in Egypt Schools
Christian children are being forced to recite the Quran in schools across Egypt. Christian schoolgirls are also now being required to wear the Muslim headscarf, just like their Muslim schoolmates.

Boy Sees Dad in Heaven in His Dream â Confirming Details in 'Heaven Is for Real,' a Book He Hadn't Read Yet
"I saw dad in heaven, and he was with God!" This was what a five-year-old breathlessly told his mother one morning after waking up from a dream.

Christians Urged to Flood UNESCO with Bibles to Protest Its Decision Denying Christian Tags to Jerusalem's Holy Sites
Christians worldwide are being urged to send Bibles to the offices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in Paris.

'Man with the Golden Voice' Ted Williams Who Went From Homeless Alcoholic To Hollywood Sensation: 'When People See Me, They See an Act of God'
Ted Williams, "The Man with the Golden Voice" who captivated America with his rags-to-riches story in 2011, is back.

Christians Packing Churches in India as Christianity Sees Surprising Growth Despite Rising Persecution Cases
Although India is a predominantly Hindu nation, Christians are reportedly packing churches by the thousands.

94-Year-Old American Woman Gets Baptised: 'It's Never Too Late to Become a Christian'
It is never too late to accept Jesus. The remark came from Ophelia White, a 94-year-old new believer, who was recently baptised at the Cook Baptist Church in Ruston, Louisiana, according to The Baptist Message.

Baby With Gigantic Tumour Is Born Twice After Her Parents Chose Life: 'God's Hand' Was on Mom and Child
This baby had to be medically "born again" to stay alive.

Worship Leader Describes His Earliest Memories From Inside His Mother's Womb!
This may sound incredible, but 24-year-old Justin Smith attests that this is the truth: He had memories of his life when he was still inside the womb of his mother!

Child Born Without Eyes, But This Allows His Parents to See God's Glory and Value of Life
Their son was born without eyes, but the Christian parents believe this was God's way of opening their eyes to His glory and the value of life.

Christians Attacking Each Other in U.S. Election Debate Grieves the Holy Spirit, Says Author J. Lee Grady
The Holy Spirit is grieving over America as the clock ticks closer to Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Christians Shed Tears of Joy as Cross, Symbol of Christ's Victory Over Evil, Is Back in Iraq
The returning priests and other Christians could not help but shed tears of joy. After fleeing from invading Islamic State (ISIS) barbarians in 2014, they returned early this week to their village in Iraq, one of several villages in the Nineveh Plain that were liberated by Iraqi and Kurdish forces from ISIS, according to World Watch Monitor.

Chicago Cubs' Ben Zobrist, World Series MVP and Baseball 'Missionary,' Says 'We All Need Christ'
Ben Zobrist may now be the most famous person in Chicago after he led the Chicago Cubs to a historic championship in 2016 World Series against the Cleveland Indians on Wednesday.

Former Female Al-Qaeda Fighter Swaps Her AK-47 for Bible After Finding Faith in Jesus
Amid the horrors of war in Syria, God is performing amazing miracles that are turning more and more people to Jesus Christ.

Rival Terror Groups â ISIS and al-Shabaab â Descend on Somalia, Making Life Even More Perilous for Christians
Darkness is growing in Somalia. Last week, the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group gained its first foothold in the country located in the Horn of Africa, according Mission Network News.

Uncovered Tomb of Jesus, Christianity's Holiest Site, Turns Out New Revelations
The tomb where Jesus was laid to rest before His resurrection has been uncovered, with researchers marvelling at new revelations about the holiest site in Christendom.