Hazel Torres

Chinese Atheist and Cripple Able to Walk Again After Praying to Jesus, Helps Start Over 200 Churches
Chinese Atheist and Cripple Able to Walk Again After Praying to Jesus, Helps Start Over 200 Churches

He was on the verge of taking his own life when Jesus came to heal and save him.

Mysterious \'Sniper of Mosul\' Takes Out ISIS Executioner Just Moments Before He Could Behead an Iraqi Teen
Mysterious 'Sniper of Mosul' Takes Out ISIS Executioner Just Moments Before He Could Behead an Iraqi Teen

Nobody knows him. But Islamic State (ISIS) warlords are said to be living in fear because of him. He's the crack shot marksman known simply as the "Sniper of Mosul," and he's just taken out another ISIS executioner who's about to behead a captive Iraqi teenager, reports said.

Georgia Governor Orders Pastor: Hand Over Your Sermons — and Your Bible, Too
Georgia Governor Orders Pastor: Hand Over Your Sermons — and Your Bible, Too

The scene was extraordinary: a government targeting an ordained pastor, ordering him to surrender hard copies of his sermons and his Bible as well.

More Glowing \'Halos\' Not Seen Before In Deep Space Surprise Scientists: \'How Awesome Is the Lord!\'
More Glowing 'Halos' Not Seen Before In Deep Space Surprise Scientists: 'How Awesome Is the Lord!'

Despite the advances in science, man still knows little about everything God created.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels 800 Miles to Deliver $4,000 Worth of Gifts to a Young Flood Victim
8-Year-Old Boy Travels 800 Miles to Deliver $4,000 Worth of Gifts to a Young Flood Victim

"When you do good things it makes you feel good, and when you do things for others God will bless you." Those words were spoken not by a preacher or a pastor but by an eight-year-old boy with a heart of gold.

Christian Students Miraculously Saved From ISIS Terrorist Suicide Bombers: \'The Lord Blinded Their Eyes\'
Christian Students Miraculously Saved From ISIS Terrorist Suicide Bombers: 'The Lord Blinded Their Eyes'

Death was just an arm's length away for seven Christian girls who found themselves for hours sharing a room inside a school with heavily armed Islamic State (ISIS) fighters wearing explosive suicide belts.

Freed Pastor Saeed Abedini Says Donald Trump Gave $10K to Help His Family While He Was Suffering in Iranian Jail For His Faith
Freed Pastor Saeed Abedini Says Donald Trump Gave $10K to Help His Family While He Was Suffering in Iranian Jail For His Faith

In contrast, Abedini said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did not do or say anything to help secure his release from Iranian prison. The pastor said Clinton never spoke his name or met his family.

God\'s Newly Discovered Creations Amaze Scientists: Bizarre New Animals Found Under \'Submerged America\'
God's Newly Discovered Creations Amaze Scientists: Bizarre New Animals Found Under 'Submerged America'

God never ceases to amaze people with His wonderful creations, some of whom are only now being discovered.

Terminally Ill Mom Denied Chemotherapy to Keep Her Alive, Offered Suicide Drugs Instead That Cost Only $1.20
Terminally Ill Mom Denied Chemotherapy to Keep Her Alive, Offered Suicide Drugs Instead That Cost Only $1.20

"My jaw dropped." This was the instant reaction of a mother suffering from a terminal disease when she was told by her medical insurance company that they could not pay for her chemotherapy but would be willing to shoulder the cost of drugs that would put her to death. The drugs' cost? $1.20.

Christians Cry \'Blasphemy\' as Bikini-Clad Beauty Pageant Contestants Are Made to Re-Enact \'The Last Supper\'
Christians Cry 'Blasphemy' as Bikini-Clad Beauty Pageant Contestants Are Made to Re-Enact 'The Last Supper'

Christians could only recoil in horror after seeing a beauty pageant in Brazil turned into a blasphemous travesty and mockery of God.

4th Grader Raises Over $40,000 to Help Low-Income Kids Pay For Lunches After His Friend Was Denied Hot Lunch At School
4th Grader Raises Over $40,000 to Help Low-Income Kids Pay For Lunches After His Friend Was Denied Hot Lunch At School

This boy is just 10 years old, but he has already made a name for himself for his extraordinary display of kindness and compassion for his fellow schoolchildren.

Arrested Christian Teens Sing and Pray In Ethiopian Prison: \'To Be Jailed For God\'s Kingdom Is an Honour\'
Arrested Christian Teens Sing and Pray In Ethiopian Prison: 'To Be Jailed For God's Kingdom Is an Honour'

For practicing their Christian faith, four teenage girls were arrested and locked up in jail in Ethiopia earlier this month, with one of the girls even subjected to brutal beating.

Church Bells Ring Once Again In Christian Iraqi Town Freed From ISIS Occupation
Church Bells Ring Once Again In Christian Iraqi Town Freed From ISIS Occupation

After more than two years of silence, Christians in Iraq heard the sound of their faith and freedom as well.

Head of Baby Jesus Statue Is Back After Its \'Shocking\' Terracotta Replacement Draws International Attention
Head of Baby Jesus Statue Is Back After Its 'Shocking' Terracotta Replacement Draws International Attention

A bizarre-looking terracotta head placed on a statue of baby Jesus has been removed and replaced with the statue's original head after it drew international attention.