James Macintyre

'I have their blood with me': new documentary charts plight of Syria's many missing men, women and children
A hard-hitting documentary broadcast next week will lay out the damning case of Syria's missing: tens of thousands of men, women and children who have been disappeared into secret detention centres.

Religion is what makes us stand out as human, says Oxford professor
Religion is the key to understanding why human beings are more intelligent and social than any animal in the world,according to an eminent Oxford professor.

Majority Of Evangelical Christians Believe Trump's Claim That Journalists 'Make Up' Quotes
More than half of evangelical Christian Americans believe Donald Trump's claim that journalists 'make up' quotes in their articles, according to a poll.

Should American Christians Engage In Society? Conservative Author Sparks War Of Words With Rachel Held Evans
A war of words about whether Christians in America are persecuted, and whether or not they should withdraw from mainstream society, has broken out between the conservative author Rod Dreher and the progressive evangelical writer Rachel Held Evans.

Does Britain Have A 'Christian Right' And If So How Successful Is It?
Is there a British equivalent to the 'religious right' in America? If so, how influential is it? And what are its methods? Further, how should the Church be influencing non-Christians in an increasingly secular age? These are just some of the questions raised by an article entitled 'Britain's "Christian right": seeking solace in a narrative of discrimination'.

'Jesus Is Always There': Archbishop Of Canterbury Launches New Evangelistic Resource For Churches
The Archbishop of Canterbury is to launch a new training session aimed at helping Christians to share their faith.

Budget 2017: Church Calls For 'Healing' And Warns Poorest Are Hit Hardest By Benefits Freeze And Rising Living Costs
On behalf of the Church of England, the Bishop of Birmingham has responded to today's Budget by calling for 'healing' and warning that the combination of benefits freezes and a rising cost of living is hitting the poorest hardest.

Now Nike Develops High-Performance Hijab In Latest Adaptation Of Clothing For Muslim Women
A high-performance hijab is being developed by Nike, the sportswear giant, for launch next year.

Bishops In The Philippines 'Overcome With Grief' After Vote Approves Capital Punishment
Catholic Bishops in the Philippines have said they are 'overcome with grief' after the House of Representatives, the lower house in Congress, overwhelmingly voted in favour of reinstating capital punishment for serious drug offences.

Should Shows Like 'Homeland' And '24' Portray Muslims As Terrorists?
Should television dramas show Muslims as terrorists? In a divided world, do such series have a wider duty than merely to entertain? These are among the questions being asked after the star of Homeland, Mandy Patinkin, said that the programme had made an 'error' in its coverage of Muslims so far.

Catholic Commentator Bill Donohue Says Tuam Baby Deaths Are 'Fake News'
A right-wing Catholic commentator has dismissed the Tuam mother and baby home atrocity as 'fake news', as the Irish Prime Minister said the home was a 'chamber of horrors'.

Not Just Smells And Bells: 10 Reasons To Try A 'High' Church This Season
Here are ten reasons to visit a 'high' or 'Anglo-Catholic' church this Lent and Easter

'Your Sister In Christ': Chinese Christian Woman Pens Hope-Filled Poem From Prison
An imprisoned Christian woman in China facing five years in jail recently wrote a sad but ultimately hope-filled poem recounting last year which she spent in police custody in the southern Guizhou province.

Is There A 'Spiritual Battle' Over Donald Trump's Presidency?
The charismatic Christian leader Lou Engle has declared a 'spiritual battle' over Donald Trump's presidency, saying that Trump's opponents have used 'witchcraft' against him.

Lapsed Catholic Tells Of Being Rescued From Anorexia By Returning To The Faith
A lapsed Catholic has described how returning to a 'Eucharistic faith' saved her from a serious eating disorder.

To Boldly Go With Jesus: Catholic Astronaut Describes His Mission To Take Communion In Space
An astronaut who recently converted to Catholicism has described his successful attempt to receive the Eucharist in space.