James Macintyre

What Does Scripture Say About Power? 10 Bible Verses
What Does Scripture Say About Power? 10 Bible Verses

Earthly power is distinguished in the Bible from the almighty power of God. Power on this earth does not always fall into the hands of good rulers. Should Christians seek power, or resist it? Who really has power over the world? Here are 10 Bible verses on power.

Is Trump's Policy Of Prioritising Christian Refugees Unfair – On Christians?

Donald Trump appeared to make a major concession to Christians in the Middle East last month when he said that he would give priority to Christians when it comes to applying for refugee status in the US. But not all Christian leaders agree with the policy.

Pastor Saeed Abedini Sentenced After Violating Restraining Order Taken Out By His Wife
Pastor Saeed Abedini Sentenced After Violating Restraining Order Taken Out By His Wife

The US-based pastor Saeed Abedini, who was released from an Iranian prison last year, has been sentenced after pleading guilty to violating a restraining order taken out by his estranged wife, Naghmeh.

Jews \'Boiled Christians In Cauldrons\' Alleges Ultra-Conservative Russian Lawmaker
Jews 'Boiled Christians In Cauldrons' Alleges Ultra-Conservative Russian Lawmaker

An ultra-conservative, pro-Kremlin Russian lawmaker has sparked an anti-Semitism row after saying the ancestors of local Jewish opposition figures in Saint-Petersburg 'boiled Christians in cauldrons'.

Dying Former Chorister Helps Convict Former Vicar Of Abuse With Evidence Using Eye-Tracking Technology
Dying Former Chorister Helps Convict Former Vicar Of Abuse With Evidence Using Eye-Tracking Technology

A former church chorister suffering from motor neurone disease gave courtroom evidence against a former vicar who abused him using eye-tracking technology, before dying.

Pope Francis Blasts Clerical Sex Abuse As \'Diabolic Sacrifice\'
Pope Francis Blasts Clerical Sex Abuse As 'Diabolic Sacrifice'

Pope Francis has described clerical sex abuse as 'diabolic sacrifice' in the preface of a new book, asking: 'How does a priest in the service of Christ and his church manage to provoke so much evil?'

More Than 220 Church Leaders Join Calls On Government To Reverse Decision To Block Child Refugees
More Than 220 Church Leaders Join Calls On Government To Reverse Decision To Block Child Refugees

More than 220 church leaders from across the UK have signed a petition opposing the Government's decision to stop a resettlement programme for child refugees.

How A Christian Hospital In Iraq Is Saving ISIS Fighters\' Lives
How A Christian Hospital In Iraq Is Saving ISIS Fighters' Lives

The President of Samaritan's Purse Franklin Graham has claimed that the humanitarian aid organisation is helping to save the lives of 'badly injured' Islamic State fighters outside Mosul in Iraq.

Will Trump Backtrack On A Jerusalem Embassy And Illegal Settlements When Meeting Netanyahu Tomorrow?
Will Trump Backtrack On A Jerusalem Embassy And Illegal Settlements When Meeting Netanyahu Tomorrow?

Flying to Washington yesterday, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, promised 'very clear answers' out of his meeting with the US President Donald Trump tomorrow. Will he get them?

US Evangelical Christians Are Divorcing At The Same Rate As The General Population, Study Finds
US Evangelical Christians Are Divorcing At The Same Rate As The General Population, Study Finds

Meanwhile, a significant proportion of practising Christians believes in cohabitation, according to the poll.

Christian Hip-Hop Artist Censored By Southern Baptist Retailer Says White Evangelicals Don\'t Understand Black Culture
Christian Hip-Hop Artist Censored By Southern Baptist Retailer Says White Evangelicals Don't Understand Black Culture

A popular Christian hip-hop artist whose album was dropped by the Southern Baptist retailer LifeWay Christian Stores after customer complaints has said that white evangelicals fail to understand black culture.

Canterbury Cathedral To Host Service For Freemasons After Receiving £300,000 Donation
Canterbury Cathedral To Host Service For Freemasons After Receiving £300,000 Donation

Canterbury Cathedral is hosting a service to "celebrate" 300 years of freemasonry after receiving a donation from the masons of £300,000.

More Than 500 Evangelical Leaders Warn Trump And Pence Over Refugee Ban
More Than 500 Evangelical Leaders Warn Trump And Pence Over Refugee Ban

More than 500 evangelical pastors and ministry leaders representing every state in the US have signed a letter published in today's Washington Post expressing grave concern over Donald Trump's refugee policy.

New Alleged Abuse Victim Says John Smyth Made Him Self-Harm To Rid Himself Of \'Sinful\' Gay Desires
New Alleged Abuse Victim Says John Smyth Made Him Self-Harm To Rid Himself Of 'Sinful' Gay Desires

A new alleged victim of abuse by John Smyth, the former QC at the centre of claims about sadism and beatings towards Christian youth in the 1970s, has said that the same culture of homophobia still exists in "mainstream Christian fundamentalism".

Thousands Attend Catholic Ceremony In Japan Beatifying \'Samurai Of Christ\'
Thousands Attend Catholic Ceremony In Japan Beatifying 'Samurai Of Christ'

A Japanese Christian samurai who died in exile about 400 years ago after giving up his status to follow Jesus was beatified by the Catholic Church in an elaborate mass yesterday.

Stand Up For Christian Values And Issue That Religious Freedom Order, Franklin Graham Urges Trump
Stand Up For Christian Values And Issue That Religious Freedom Order, Franklin Graham Urges Trump

Franklin Graham is urging Donald Trump to issue a controversial executive order protecting religious freedom, despite liberals being "up in arms" at the prospect.