James Macintyre

Furious Backlash As Trump\'s New Housing Secretary Refers To Black Slaves As \'Immigrants\'
Furious Backlash As Trump's New Housing Secretary Refers To Black Slaves As 'Immigrants'

Ben Carson, the new Housing and Urban Development Secretary, has faced a backlash after referring to African-American slaves as 'immigrants' in his first address to the agency's staff.

Christians No Longer Prioritised In Trump\'s Travel Ban As Evangelical Charity Dismisses It As \'More Of The Same\'
Christians No Longer Prioritised In Trump's Travel Ban As Evangelical Charity Dismisses It As 'More Of The Same'

Donald Trump has been forced to water down his ban on travel, migration and asylum from seven Muslim-majority countries, excluding Iraq from the list of countries affected and removing a clause which appeared to give priority to Christians.

Pastor And Four Churchgoers Accused Of Pushing \'Possessed\' Woman Into Bonfire Before She Died From Burns
Pastor And Four Churchgoers Accused Of Pushing 'Possessed' Woman Into Bonfire Before She Died From Burns

A pastor and four members of his congregation have been arrested in Nicaragua after a mother accused of being 'possessed' by the devil was allegedly pushed into a bonfire before dying.

Walk Where Jesus Walked: The One Place Every Christian Should Visit
Walk Where Jesus Walked: The One Place Every Christian Should Visit

The Holy Land has its problems, today as it did 2000 years ago. But any visit by a Christian will enhance the reality of the Gospels.

The Spiritual Benefits Of \'Liquid Bread\': How These Monks Took Up Beer For Lent
The Spiritual Benefits Of 'Liquid Bread': How These Monks Took Up Beer For Lent

Back in the 1600s, a certain group of Catholic monks took it up in a big way during this season of fasting, by shunning solids and relying instead on 'liquid bread': otherwise known as beer.

Splits Among Bishops Over Brexit Exposed By Lords Vote
Splits Among Bishops Over Brexit Exposed By Lords Vote

Bishops who voted in the House of Lords, several of them heavyweights, were divided on an amendment to the Government's legislation triggering article 50 in order to press ahead with Brexit.

Interview: Christian Former GP Describes Our Destructive \'Quest For Perfection\'
Interview: Christian Former GP Describes Our Destructive 'Quest For Perfection'

A Christian former GP who entered into church ministry has described how her former patients were trapped by an unhealthy and ungodly 'quest for perfection' that threatened their true sense of freedom.

Don\'t Knock Homeless Who Drink A Glass Of Wine – It\'s Their Only Pleasure, Says Pope Francis
Don't Knock Homeless Who Drink A Glass Of Wine – It's Their Only Pleasure, Says Pope Francis

Pope Francis has given an exclusive interview to an Italian magazine run by the homeless – the equivalent of the UK's Big Issue.

Cambridge College Named After Wartime Leader Forced To Remove Holocaust Denier\'s Churchill Biography
Cambridge College Named After Wartime Leader Forced To Remove Holocaust Denier's Churchill Biography

Material written by the convicted Holocaust denier David Irving has been removed from open display in a library at Cambridge University following a complaint from an eminent Jewish historian, Christian Today has learnt.

Trump Wins Over Hispanic Evangelical Leader As Samuel Rodriguez Backs Him On Immigration After Earlier Criticisms
Trump Wins Over Hispanic Evangelical Leader As Samuel Rodriguez Backs Him On Immigration After Earlier Criticisms

The influential Hispanic Christian leader Samuel Rodriguez has expressed his support for Donald Trump over immigration reform following the President's speech to Congress yesterday.

Now Christian Art By The Masters Can Be Seen In Stunning Detail As Sistine Chapel Is Digitally Photographed
Now Christian Art By The Masters Can Be Seen In Stunning Detail As Sistine Chapel Is Digitally Photographed

The Sistine Chapel at the Vatican has been given a digital make-over with thousands of photographs taken for the first time since 1994 in a move which will aid future restorations.

Preparing For War While Seeking Peace: The Israeli Rabbi Who Lived By \'The Book And The Sword\'
Preparing For War While Seeking Peace: The Israeli Rabbi Who Lived By 'The Book And The Sword'

Best known, perhaps, as the former Chief Rabbi of Haifa for over 30 years, Shear Yashuv Cohen, who died last year, had an extraordinary number of roles that marked a life whose history is intertwined with that of the State of Israel itself.

Victoria\'s Secret Lingerie Model Adriana Lima Reveals She Carries A Bible To Shows And Believes In \'Angels\'
Victoria's Secret Lingerie Model Adriana Lima Reveals She Carries A Bible To Shows And Believes In 'Angels'

Brazilian-born lingerie model Adriana Lima, 35, has revealed that she is still a regular churchgoer who always brings a Bible to read backstage before shows.

100,000 Evangelicals Unite At Gatherings Around UK In New \'17:21\' Prayer Initiative
100,000 Evangelicals Unite At Gatherings Around UK In New '17:21' Prayer Initiative

An unprecedented display of evangelical unity across the UK is expected to be launched in April with over 100,000 Christians expected to take part in a new initiative called 17:21.

French Evangelicals Release \'Convictions\' Document Ahead Of Elections
French Evangelicals Release 'Convictions' Document Ahead Of Elections

Evangelical Christians in France have released a 'convictions' document ahead of the French presidential and parliamentary elections which begin on 23 April.

Drive-Through Ash Wednesday Blessings To Be Given Out At This Irish Church
Drive-Through Ash Wednesday Blessings To Be Given Out At This Irish Church

Catholics in a rush in Ireland on Ash Wednesday will be able to receive the traditional blessing with the sign of the cross in ash on their foreheads in a drive-through form after an innovation by a church.