JB Cachila

3 ways to make sure you understood God's Word right
3 ways to make sure you understood God's Word right

Every Christian who desires to know God and live according to His Word should know how to understand it. Here are three ways to do that.

The one thing that will allow Christians to do great things for God
The one thing that will allow Christians to do great things for God

There is one thing that will motivate us to do great things for Him.

What made Abraham's faith different?
What made Abraham's faith different?

Abraham didn't know God. He came from a people who worshipped different gods. There were no Christian missionaries who could preach to him and introduce him to God. Yet he was able to hear God and believe Him.

What can we learn from a couple named Priscilla and Aquila?
What can we learn from a couple named Priscilla and Aquila?

Priscilla and Aquila, a couple Paul met during his missionary journeys, are a great example of how Christian couples should be.

What can we learn from Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8?
What can we learn from Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8?

Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian official in Acts 8 gives us very important lessons regarding our Christian lives, particularly our obedience to God and what the Lord wants to do through us.

3 things to learn from John the Baptist
3 things to learn from John the Baptist

John the Baptist was a remarkable man who, despite the greatness he was destined for, merely considered himself a servant of God. We ought to learn from him.

What is Palm Sunday and why is it important?
What is Palm Sunday and why is it important?

Palm Sunday should be one of the more important days in our calendars every year. This day, celebrated the Sunday before Easter Sunday, reminds us of the time when Christ was about to suffer and die on the cross for our sins, and be resurrected three days later.

What can we learn from Jesus taking the place of Barabbas?
What can we learn from Jesus taking the place of Barabbas?

Jesus was the one who received the beatings, the sufferings, and the death on the cross. Barabbas, on the other hand, was given another chance to live right.

Why is it important to know that Jesus is the Son of God?
Why is it important to know that Jesus is the Son of God?

Our salvation comes only by way of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Unless we believe in Him, we will never be saved, will never be freed from sin, and will never have a relationship with God.

3 Bible verses for when you feel rejected by everyone around you
3 Bible verses for when you feel rejected by everyone around you

Rejection may be very painful and even life-stunting, but its effects can be arrested and stopped by the grace of God. The wounds it inflicts on its victims might be painful and ugly, but these wounds can be healed by God's great love.

How and why did Jesus rise from the dead?
How and why did Jesus rise from the dead?

Christ rose from the grave to show that God is supreme over all. He has conquered sin and death, and there's nothing that is more powerful than Him.

3 things we would never have realized about God if Jesus hadn't resurrected from the dead
3 things we would never have realized about God if Jesus hadn't resurrected from the dead

Since Jesus perfectly showed who God really is with His life, we are also given an opportunity to see how great and awesome our God and Father is through His death and resurrection.

What we can learn about angels from Jesus' encounter in Gethsemane
What we can learn about angels from Jesus' encounter in Gethsemane

Angels are seen in different times in the Bible. They are also seen in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Bible verses for when you feel confused and don't know what to do
3 Bible verses for when you feel confused and don't know what to do

God has given us the tools that we need in order to know what we should be doing and actually do it. With Him there's no confusion.

3 beliefs every Christian should have
3 beliefs every Christian should have

In this article we'll take a look at three of the most important beliefs a Christian should have. I hope we all have these settled in our lives.

One thing necessary to building Christian unity
One thing necessary to building Christian unity

Unity is a good and pleasant thing, something that every Christian group should possess. By this, many challenges can be overcome and many things can be achieved.