JB Cachila

3 ways Christians can best represent Christ
If we evaluate ourselves in light of how the Word of God tells us that we represent Christ, how do we fare? Do we get top marks for Christ-likeness? Or do we get failing grades in Godliness?

3 things we can learn from Paul's letter to Philemon
Paul's letter to Philemon gives us so many thoughts to ponder and lessons to learn and apply in our Christian lives. In just 25 verses, Paul effectively shows us what Christ-like character we should all employ as God's people.

Do I really need to be part of a small group in church?
Small groups exist in many different local churches around the globe. Should we join them?

3 women in the Bible who show us how God uses women for His purposes
Women have a place in God's plan. He loves all women as much as He loves all men, and He will use all to achieve His purposes.

Can we really do everything through Christ?
We can do all things through Christ, but we shouldn't use His name to do things He doesn't want us doing.

3 ways we misuse the power of the tongue
The Bible tells us that our tongues are very powerful. They can be a tool to bring good tidings or bad news. They can heal others or wound them.

Can everything that is happening be considered as "God's will"?
Many people nowadays have a wrong understanding of God's will.

Is tithing really necessary?
The issue here is not the command to tithe. It's our hearts. Is God the Lord of our hearts, or our finances the lord of our lives?

3 tips to establishing good quality daily devotions
Daily devotions are an essential part of a Christian's life. Every follower of Christ who desires to grow in Christ-likeness will do well to establish a strong, good-quality daily devotional habit.

3 Bible figures teaching us about faith that works
If we believe in God, we will obey Him. It's as simple as that.

Who is Agabus in the book of Acts and what can we learn from him?
Agabus is proof of the Holy Spirit's work in the early church. He carries many lessons with him, and it's important for us to know them.

What we can learn from the woman who couldn't stop bleeding
The story of the woman with the issue of bleeding is more than just a story of God's power to heal.

3 Bible verses to guide you as you make future plans
Many Christians make plans according to what they want to do. Sadly, not all Christians make their plans according to how God wants them to. Here are some common approaches to planning.

3 things Christian husbands should do to their wives to make them feel secure
It's not enough for us to look for an honest and decent living, and be present at home but absent emotionally..

3 ways to use and apply the Word of God to your life
The Word of God is a very powerful resource for our lives. It is able to help us live Godly lives that abound in good works to the glory of the Father. It is also able to equip us and prepare us for every challenge that will come our way as we pursue Christ. In this article we'll take a look at a few ways we apply God's Word in our lives.

5 things a Christian must not be
One of the most common descriptions given to many powerless Christians is that they are timid.