JB Cachila

Looking for direction? 5 Bible verses that will tell you what to do
Are you looking for direction, perhaps a clue or instruction that will tell you what to do? Here are some Bible passages that will help you.

Single and looking for a spouse? Here are 3 pitfalls to avoid
Marriage might be very beautiful, but marrying the wrong person will end up in a lot of heartache. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most common pitfalls that every single man and woman needs to avoid in choosing a spouse.

Does obedience to God mean I'll always see success in what I'm doing?
While our idea of success means money, reputation and earthly promotion, God's idea of success is simply the accomplishment of His will.

God has a purpose for the times you feel defeated - here's what it is
While it's not good to feel defeated, we can rejoice in the fact that God has a purpose for us as we go through it.

3 ways we tie ourselves to our past and disobey God
We have to look beyond ourselves, including our past choices and decisions. We have to look at Christ. God's mercies are renewed every morning -- why not look at these instead?

5 Bible verses to share with your non-believer friend
Sharing the Gospel with a friend who doesn't believe in God need not be a difficult thing to do. This is because Christ Himself showed us how to do it.

3 reasons why God wants us to not turn 'to the right hand or to the left'
In Joshua 1:7-8 we read God giving Joshua a command to go straight, without turning to the left or to the right. This same command is given to all Christians, that we'd all go and adhere to God's word without turning to any other direction. Why did God give us such a command? What will happen when we turn either way?

3 Bible figures who remained strong in the face of opposition
The Bible presents to us various men and women of faith who did not waver in the face of opposition. They continued to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He has allowed them to, even when they were persecuted, oppressed, harassed, or rejected.

Who is Jabez and what can we learn from him?
With a very short appearance in the Bible, the man named Jabez might seem insignificant and not worth looking into. But when we take a look at him, how he got his name and what were the details the Bible recorded about him, we'll see that he actually brings us lessons we should learn and apply in our lives.

Is God really interested in me despite my failures and shortcomings?
Some of us might feel like God won't be interested in us anymore, simply because we've failed too many times, or because our list of shortcomings is longer than the distance between the earth and the sun. Truth is, nothing can keep us from the love of God through His Son.

Why pretending to be someone you're not is not a good thing -- especially if you're a Christian
Some Christians don't know it, but they live their lives pretending to be someone else. They don't live in the identity that God gave to them.

How do I know if I am in God's will? 3 ways to know
It's important for God's people to know if they are in the will of God for their lives. We all need to know if we are still in line with God's plans and still within the boundaries of His Word.

3 Bible verses to encourage you when feel worthless
The feeling of worthlessness is a very dangerous feeling. We need to fight against the feeling of worthlessness.

Am I really loved by God? Here are 3 Bible verses to encourage you
Many of us Christians find it difficult to accept the truth that God loves us wholly and unconditionally. We may not admit that, but it's evident in the way we see and treat God.

What to do when you can't find a friend
Friends, did you know that even if we don't have a friend on earth, we are not alone? In fact, breaking free from loneliness isn't dependent on having many friends or confidants. It's dependent on our relationship with and working knowledge of God.

3 things we receive because the temple veil was torn in two
At Jesus' death on the cross, something spectacular happened: the temple veil was torn in two.