Kevin Donovan
Youthwork the Conference Prepares to Kick Off
As the dates for Youthwork the Conference inches closer, the preparation committee readies to educate and inspire thousands of youth workers. This year, the event will take place 10th-13th November in Southport and 17th-19th November in Eastbourne.
Christian Ministry Searches for New Children's Writer After 60 Years
Scripture Union launched a competition in 1947 to find new writers of Christian fiction for children, which was won by Patricia St John, with her entry, The Tanglewoods' Secret.
Operation Christmas Child to Reach Millions of Poverty-Stricken Children
Operation Christmas Child, a Christian relief project, is launching its Christmas appeal in Bromley urging residents to deliver gift-filled shoeboxes for needy children in Eastern Europe and Africa.
Indian Christian Community Rebukes Slayer's Album
Following complaints from the Christian community in India, U.S. heavy metal band Slayer's latest album has been pulled from music stores across the country, as the Christians claimed that the cover of the album was insulting.
Paisley: DUP Meeting 'Good and Useful Exchange of Views'
Following talks with Protestant politician Ian Paisley Monday, Roman Catholic leader Sean Brady said a political deal in Northern Ireland is "within our grasp".
Churches Urged to Fight Climate Change, Join Blackout London
As the 'I Count' rally approaches, Churches are increasingly urging congregants to take part in the fight against climate change. Taking place 4 November, the aim is to urge the UK government to take responsibility personally and nationally to reduce the causes of climate change...
New Bible Studies with Music Videos and Bands
Big Shiny Planet, a six-week Bible study for student ministry led through music and video, will present a lesson based on songs from an artist or band..
Steel Cross Moved from Ground Zero to Church
A cross-shaped steel beam that survived the 2001 World Trade Centre terrorist attack in New York was moved Thursday from Ground Zero to a nearby church, accompanied by victims' families, clergy and construction workers.
Head of World Economic Forum: Climate Change is 'Daunting'
Critical climate change issues continue to attract public attention as one of the most important financial leaders in the world has expressed his fears over the "daunting" challenge.
Europe's First Dedicated Human Trafficking Centre Opens
The unit is the first of its kind in the UK, run by the Association of Chief Police Officers. Specially trained police, lawyers and immigration officials will work at the facility.
New Anglican Observer Appointed at UN
The Archbishop of Canterbury has welcomed the United Nations Africa coordinator of the Millennium Development Goals who accepted the call to be the next Anglican Observer at the UN.
Converted Christian to Showcase Fashion Show at CRE
A former Muslim will showcase her own fashion label, 'Saviour Clothing', at the Northern Christian Resources Exhibition later this month (Oct 19 to 21, Yorkshire Events Centre, Harrogate).
Christian Solidarity Worldwide Calls on British Government to Ban Burma Investment
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) on Monday called on the British Government to ban investment in Burma, as the organisation joined Burma Campaign UK, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Democracy in Burma, the Trade Union Congress and the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission.
Climate Change Becomes Australia's Top Priority
Climate change issues is becoming a top priority for Australians as the change will destabilise the Asia-Pacific region, exacerbate food, water and energy shortages and threaten Australia's security.
Christian Festival Association Opens
Operators of twenty-five of the United State's largest Christian music festivals gathered together last month in Kansas City to see their individual organisations grow both spiritually and fiscally.
Evangelical Alliance Welcomes Decision to Drop Christian Voice Case
The Evangelical Alliance (EA) has welcomed the decision by Cardiff Magistrate's Court to drop the case against Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice.