Kevin Donovan

Bishops Refuel Christianisation Debate of the EU Constitution

Catholic bishops met on Monday to discuss “ethical values for European unification”, refuelling the debate over the ‘Christianisation’ of ...

American Christians Losing Their Teen 'Spirit'

According to a study by The Barna Group based in California, American Christians in their 20s are likely to put the religion 'on the shelf', despite their spiritually active teen years.

Kenya Bishop Demands Removal of Apeman Bones in Museum

Senior clergy have demanded that the bones and skulls of an apeman currently exhibited in Nairobi's National Museum of Kenya be removed from display to prevent young...

Gates Foundation and World Bank to Unite to Provide Health Care in Africa

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank's private sector arm announced earlier today plans to explore private health care opportunities...

World Remembers 9/11 Victims

Commemmorative events have taken place across the world Monday to mark the five year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the US on ...

Scotland’s First Full-Time Christian Radio Station Launched

Revival FM, Scotland’s first full-time Christian radio station has been launched, ending a ten-year battle for a permanent place on the airwaves...

Generation Y in Australia Seeks New Ways to Express Faith

The Generation Y in Australia is gradually departing from religion, but churches are finding new ways to capture back the youth...

Multi-Faith Memorial Service for 9/11 to be Held at the Pentagon

A multi-faith memorial service at the Pentagon will mark the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States...

UK's First Christian Film Festival to Kick Off

The Reel to Real Film Festival, the first Christian Film Festival in the UK, will kick off 2 to 5 November in Motherwell in Scotland. The festival...

Sentamu to Represent Church of England at Primates' Meeting

Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, will represent the Church of England at the next Primates’ Meetings, which is scheduled...

Churches Concerned as Scotland Hits Highest Suicide Rate in UK

The suicide rate among Scottish men for the assessed period was 30 per 100,000 compared with 22.4 in Wales, 18.3 in Northern Ireland ...

Switchfoot's Magazine Features Rwanda and Charity Work

The third issue of Switchfoot’s online magazine lowercase people features popular artists Mute Math and Mae, and a ‘global slice’ of Rwanda...

Archbishop of Canterbury, Jewish Leaders Sign Historic Agreement

The Archbishop of Canterbury has signed a joint agreement with Israel’s Chief Rabbis Shlomo Amar and Yonah Metzger at Lambeth Palace Tuesday...

Christian Surfers Ready for 14th Jesus Surf Classic

The Jesus Surf Classic will celebrate its 14th anniversary as the event takes over the weekend of 9 to 10 September...

Christian Musicians in UK Unite for Peace

Christian artists in the UK are coming together this weekend to spread the message of peace, unity and integration as part of...

Soul Survivor's Momentum Conference Closes with 4,000

Youth ministry Soul Survivor’s Momentum conference recently concluded with over 4,000 people - an increase of more than 60 percent from last year...