Kevin Donovan
Muslims Stab Indonesian Christian Man as Religious Tensions Continue
Following the executions of three Roman Catholic militants, religious tensions in central Indonesia have intensified. In recent news, a mob of Muslims dragged a Christian man from a bus and stabbed him, a witness and nurse said.
Christian Aid's Life-Saving Eco-Home and Garden to Feature on TV Show
Christian Aid is sponsoring a life-saving eco-home and garden, which will be a dramatic centre piece to the October Grand Designs Live NEC show (6-8 October 2006).
Salt-N-Pepa Member Speaks to Christian Youth: All That Glitters Ain't Gold
Cheryl "Salt" James, former member of the noted female rap group Salt-N-Pepa, appeared as a guest speaker at the C3 Youth Ministry Service to speak about her past experiences as a hip hop artist and the role spirituality plays in her music.
More Polish Priests Needed for Churches in UK
With a flood of Poles pouring into Britain after Poland joined the European Union, the Roman Catholic Church urgently needs more Polish priests to minister to their native congregants.
Prayer Comes to Hollywood
In a world where the words "prayer" and "Hollywood" are rarely seen in the same sentence, a prayer ministry is going to try its very best to stick those two words together.
Christians, Schools, Celebrities Join in World Orphan Week
Christian communities and individuals, schools and celebrities will be raising funds for SOS Children's Villages as part of World Orphan Week. Held from 2 to 8 October, the World Orphan Week aims to raise both funds for and awareness of the charity's work with some of the world's most vulnerable children.
Looking Back at Disney's Night of Joy
Disney recently celebrated their 24th annual Christian music festival, Night of Joy, in Orlando, Florida, at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom. The festival has drawn more than 900,000 attendees during its history.
Church of England Warns of Danger of Gambling Addiction
Advertisements promoting gambling should have warnings about the danger of gambling addiction, the Church of England continues to urge the public.
Switchfoot Releases Song from 'Oh! Gravity'
Switchfoot, a groundbreaking rock band renowned for their 'meaningful' songs will give fans a preview of their new album with downloads available from September 26.
Evangelical Christians Called to Tackle Global Warming
The Rev. Richard Cizik, vice-president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), is pushing to persuade evangelical Christians to care about global warming.
Tearfund Urges Government to Push More to Make Poverty History
Europe's new unfair trade deals will potentially slow down the progress to make poverty history for the poorest nations. Many of the poorest countries in the world will face deeper poverty and inequality unless the UK government takes urgent action to stop Europe pushing unfair trade deals on its former colonies.
Bono Speaks Out Against Humanitarian Crisis in Darfur
The U2 lead singer is a long-time supporter of charity efforts and in 2005 he played a fundamental role in organising Live 8, a series of worldwide concerts which sought to raise the profile of the world's poverty problems.
Christian Leaders Back Government Apology on Slave Trade
The British Government may apologise for the nation's role in the slave trade when the country marks the 200th anniversary next year of the legislation that led to its abolition.
Christians Upset at UK's First Islamic Cemetary
Christian leaders have criticised the decision to build a new cemetery that will align its graves with Mecca - making it the first council graveyard in the country to bury the dead in Islamic tradition, regardless of their religion.
Spiritually Uplifting Screenplay Contest to be Held Annually
The John Templeton Foundation Kairos Prize for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays in the U.S. was greeted by enthusiastic first-time screenwriters last year. Now it's set to become an annual event.
Christian Groups Outraged at TV Crucifixion
Christian groups were outraged last night as an ananatomy expert's shared plans to crucify a corpse on live TV sparked outrage.