Michael Brown

A prayerful response to pride month
It's June, and that means that everywhere you turn, you'll be confronted with LGBTQ+ flags and banners and memes and displays.

Is it time to scrap the term 'evangelical'?
There is no doubt that the term "evangelical" does not mean what it used to mean, especially to the general public.

Wake up world before Jewish blood is shed in your country
The irrational hatred of the Jewish people and the demonizing of Israel is reaching proportions so dangerous that if people of conscience do not stand up, speak out, and push back, Jewish blood will start flowing in America, England, and many other countries around the world.

A question for those who chant 'Palestine must be free'
I have an honest question for all those who chant (or who affirm the words), "Palestine must be free!" Or, more fully, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free!"

The battle for God's land
Commenting on the first verse of Genesis, Rashi (1040-1105), the most prominent Jewish biblical commentator, asked why the Torah did not start in Exodus 12, where the commandments concerning Passover are given. After all, this is the beginning of the legislative portion of the Torah, and the Torah is all about God's instructions to the people of Israel.

It's time to be blunt about Andy Stanley and gay Christians
I do my best to be sensitive in the language I use, not wanting to drive people away from a life-giving message because of controversial terminology. Yet there are times when being blunt is essential, and now is one of those times.

Some raw reflections on the murderous attack on Israel
This is the worst massacre of Jews on any single day since the Holocaust. Just that alone is mind-numbing.

Four years later Google's search bias is as blatant as ever
The manipulation can be so powerful because you don't know you're being manipulated

Progressive religion may be dying but the Gospel is thriving
Actually, true religion â meaning a vibrant, Jesus-centered, biblically-based, compassion-filled, Spirit-empowered, no-compromise expression of the Christian faith â is thriving worldwide.

We can thank gay activists for today's epidemic of trans confusion
You cannot separate the T and the Q from the LGB, especially when it comes to indoctrinating and confusing children.

Piers Morgan, the anti-trans voice of sanity
To this moment, Morgan remains a passionate defender of same-sex relationships and, in his opinion, doesn't think most people really care to debate this anymore. Yet on broadcast after broadcast, he is challenging the madness of trans activism.

The cultural tide is continuing to turn more conservative
More and more Americans, from all walks of life, are saying, "Enough is enough."

Can a Christian have a demon?
As the subject of deliverance and demons has come front and center in recent days, I wanted to state clearly what I do and do not believe, in keeping with the views I have held for decades.

How 'progressive' Christians misuse the Bible
In the words of Augustine, "If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself."

Satan is beginning to show his hand more clearly
It's as if Satan is coming out in full force, red tights and all.

You must bow at the LGBTQ+ altar - or else
Do you remember when the main goal of LGBT activism was creating an atmosphere of "tolerance and acceptance"? Those days are long gone.