Michael Brown
The Democrats, the Impeachment, and the Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog
I'm sure there are some principled politicians in the House who genuinely believe that Trump is a danger to America and that he has committed crimes worthy of impeachment. But I seriously doubt that many other Congressmen operate with such pure, non-partisan motives.
A response to Christianity Today's call for President Trump's removal from office
Like many evangelicals, I have great respect for Christianity Today. It remains a hallmark, evangelical publication. And although it has leaned leftward in some respects in recent years, it is quite conservative compared to far-left evangelical publications like Jim Wallis' Sojourners. So, it represents a serious moment when Mark Galli, the editor in chief of Christianity Today (henceforth CT), writing on behalf of the publication, calls for Trump's removal.

Dear Chick-fil-A: Please do not cave in to LGBT activists
Please do not cave in to LGBT activists and their allies. Please do not capitulate to the pressure of the radical left. Please do not throw the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the Salvation Army under the bus.

Should rich Christians like Kanye West give away all of their wealth?
Shaine Claiborne has asked whether Jesus is King of Kanye West's bank account. Is he right to ask this?

Please, not the gay penguins again
In a million, trillion years, two female penguins will never produce a baby penguin. Count on it.

The situation for Christians in China is getting worse
The crackdown against Christian believers in the country (not to mention the crackdown against Muslims and others, which we did not discuss in detail), is getting increasingly severe.

Christians, we need to install a filter on our lips
The internet is abuzz with all kinds of speculation about virtually everything. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to a different standard.

Is America too sick to recover?
Let's have honest conversations about all the relevant (or, possibly relevant) issues.

Piers Morgan, when did Jesus say that?
The truth is that Jesus was infinitely more than "tolerant." And so, rather than tolerate sinners, He died on the cross for us.

Teen Vogue is anti-God and anti-Bible
And there is a spiritual connection between the rise of p**nography in America, the rise of the militant abortion spirit, the rise of radical feminism, the rise of witchcraft, and the rise of LGBT activism

Do any passages in the Bible support abortion?
Many of us know the biblical case against abortion. But are there other verses that bring a different perspective on abortion?

Jesus the Palestinian or Jesus the Galilean Jew?
It is not only anachronistic to label Jesus a Palestinian. It is also misleading.

The logic of liberals who think street preachers are evil
In the name of free speech, we will silence dissenting voices. In the name of justice, we will forcibly suppress any challenge. In the name of love, we will practice bigotry and hate.

Are Christian leaders more likely to commit sexual sin?
Why do so many fall? And, if we're honest with ourselves, what kind of weaknesses lurk within our own souls?
How dare Karen Pence be a Christian!
Because Mrs. Pence helps out at a school with biblically-Christian standards, there has been a near-hysterical breakdown in the media.

The problem with transageism
You knew it had to happen sooner or later. After all, if a biological, chromosomal male who identifies as female can have his birth certificate changed to female, why can't a 69-year-old man who feels like he's 49 have his age legally changed?