Michael Brown

The real meaning of \'On Earth as it is in Heaven\'
The real meaning of 'On Earth as it is in Heaven'

We're all familiar with the words of Jesus when He instructed us to pray, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). But what exactly did He mean?

An open letter to Chelsea Clinton about abortion
An open letter to Chelsea Clinton about abortion

Can any amount of economic prosperity justify such barbarity? Is that really your ethic?

When a Man Sets the Record for the Fastest Marathon by a Woman
When a Man Sets the Record for the Fastest Marathon by a Woman

The Boston Marathon (among other marathons) has announced that men who identify as women can compete with the women. I'm not questioning the fact that some men believe they are really women (and vice versa). I'm simply stating the obvious: These men are not biological women, and it is not fair for a biological male to compete against a biological female.

Why Justin Bieber's Gospel message needs a follow-up word
Why Justin Bieber's Gospel message needs a follow-up word

Justin Bieber told his 95 million Instagram followers: "Jesus is changing me from the inside out everyday!"

No, God Did Not Prescribe the Use of Cannabis in the Bible
No, God Did Not Prescribe the Use of Cannabis in the Bible

It turns out that there is an alleged scholarly basis for this bogus belief, namely, that the Hebrew words qaneh-bosem in Exod 30:23 refer to marijuana, or, more specifically, hemp.

Sorry to Tell You, But Jesus Is Not Returning on September 23
Sorry to Tell You, But Jesus Is Not Returning on September 23

Yes, it would be wonderful if Jesus returned for His people this week, but it's not going to happen. Count on it. The Second Coming will not take place this year on September 23.

YouTube Blocks Advertising On Hundreds Of Evangelical Leader\'s Videos
YouTube Blocks Advertising On Hundreds Of Evangelical Leader's Videos

It wasn't just a few videos here and there that were flagged. It was dozens of them. No, wait, it was pages of them. No wait, pages and pages of them.

Parents are donating their daughters to be used for suicide bombings in Nigeria
Parents are donating their daughters to be used for suicide bombings in Nigeria

145 girls (if not more) have been used as suicide bombers since January 2017 - many of them donated by their parents. Why do we hardly hear about this in the West?

Should we still use \'The Message\' Bible?
Should we still use 'The Message' Bible?

In the aftermath of Eugene Peterson's controversial remarks about homosexuality, followed by his retraction, many have asked me if they should still use The Message.

Is America's tweeting President a madman or a genius?

Has Donald Trump proven himself to be mentally unstable to the point of being unqualified to be president? Or is he a genius who is always several steps ahead, tweeting with brilliant purpose and plan?

Do you know what the fundamental difference is between Christianity and Islam?
Do you know what the fundamental difference is between Christianity and Islam?

There are, of course, great similarities between the world's two largest religions. But there's one fundamental difference.

The man who was beheaded by ISIS terrorists the day he became a believer

One of the Islamic State's victims was a man from Chad who had not been a Christian prior to the day ISIS cruelly executed him and 20 Coptic Christians from Egypt in cold blood.

Dear Miley Cyrus: About calling yourself \'gender neutral\'
Dear Miley Cyrus: About calling yourself 'gender neutral'

When you say you're gender-neutral, is it to make a headline or to identify with people you love? Or are you deeply confused about your gender identity?

What did Jesus mean when He said \'It is finished!\' in John 19:30?
What did Jesus mean when He said 'It is finished!' in John 19:30?

There is a lot we can learn from 'tetelestai', the word uttered by Jesus as he died on the cross.

Should the U.S. take out Assad?

Do we really know what's going on in Syria? And even if we did, should we try to remove Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad?